Sunday 8 March 2015

Books and Magazines! It’s all in the Research #amwriting

There is a lot of information out there, for just about everything you could ever wish to know. It has become second nature, when a person asks about something, to reply, “Oh, just Google it!” I do it frequently. I spend a lot of time surfing the internet, seeking advice, information, and knowledge about how best to sell my books, how to develop my business, how to be the very best that I can be at what I do. And I have learnt a very valuable lesson. The internet can only go so far to help. It consumes an awful lot of time, and this is time that might be better spent in other pursuits.

I believe in the power of good, old-fashioned books and magazines. If you switch off your computer, put down your device, switch your phone to silent mode, you can remove a heck of a lot of distractions. And then you can open a book or a magazine, and find the answers that you seek. For example, as an indie author, my priority is how to get published, and how to get my books seen by people that want to buy them. I use the internet. I fell into the trap where I was basically advertising to other indie authors for a long time. Naturally, I did  not see the big return on income that I had hoped for. But I did build some valuable connections, and it is good to have that network and that support behind me.

When it comes to specific research, I say pick up a book. Or read a trade magazine. They are easily available, they don’t cost much to buy, and you could even borrow them from your local library if funds are really tight. My preferred reference book at the moment is the Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook. It contains articles and guides from industry professionals, sharing their knowledge and expertise. It tells you about legal rights and requirements. It gives you contact details for publishers and agents, if that is who you seek. Perfect!

And then there are the magazines. I currently subscribe to Writing Magazine in the UK. The subscription also includes access to their website, with email newsletters and information at regular intervals. This comprehensive magazine gives you details about open competitions in the writing world, news from the industry at large, and practical advice and information about the craft and marketing of your work. It offers something for writers of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. There is something for everyone in the writing community within this magazine, and I look forward to reading every issue when it pops through my letterbox.

So there we go. I hope this advice is helpful to you, if you are struggling to find a foothold in the crazy world of writing, publishing and marketing. Good day, my friends!

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

*Writers and Artists Yearbook image courtesy of; Writing Magazine image courtesy of

Thursday 5 March 2015

World Book Day 2015 #BBSOE

Happy World Book Day! I couldn't let the day pass by without joining in the festivities, although admittedly it is a very small celebration over here (cue tiny pop of a tiny bottle top). Join me, please, and share some bookish love!

The official website seems geared towards a younger audience, which is no good for me since I write strictly adult novels and short stories. I find it a little sad that adults are not encouraged to get in the spirit, dress up like their favourite characters for the day, and make some fun. Are we all perhaps a little too busy being grown-ups?

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Monday 2 March 2015

Coming Out of the (Writing) Closet

My heart was pounding. I felt slightly nauseous. Even sweating a little. This was Big News. I was about to finally confirm my chosen career in life. Yes, it had taken a while. At almost 30 years old you would think I had it sorted. But, life never quite works out the way you expect. I had been naïve, ill-advised, distracted by other activities, and generally lacking in confidence enough to do what I really wanted. Eventually, I went for it. I started writing. And once I started for real, I mean being a serious, active, doing it writer, I knew this was the start of a beautiful journey.

My first task was to convince my husband that I should give up my full time paid job, take on a part time job closer to home, and spend my free time writing to develop my career. That took a lot of courage actually, especially since we were planning a wedding at the time and were very busy with time-consuming, and expensive, tasks. We had taken on a mortgage for our first home. The house needed (and still does need) a lot of repair work. It’s a very old house. But that was all inconsequential. I had released the demon, so to speak, and the demon was demanding that I be a writer.

My parents knew that I enjoyed writing. They knew I was an avid reader. It was my mother who introduced me to the library from a young age, and continued to encourage my creativity as I grew older. I excelled at English and creative writing classes in school. I chose to do a degree in Media Studies at university. Everything was intended to see me follow through into a creative writing career. But, as I mentioned, I got distracted. And I never quite had the guts to write a story that I would actually show to people, one that could be published and released into the public domain.

It had to happen eventually. Something clicked, I did a lot of soul searching and spiritual work, and finally I decided to go for it. I submitted my first short story to a competition for an anthology. It was accepted. I submitted a story to another anthology. That publisher came back and asked if I had any other stories to publish. They soon helped me to bring Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) out into the world, followed soon after by its sequels, Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel) and Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel).

Even now, with four published novels behind me, and several short stories around and about, I struggle with the concept of calling myself a writer. Well, I did. I don’t any more. It took me a while to accept that I wouldn't necessarily earn millions of pounds in royalties overnight. Authors had always been these mysterious, elevated entities that existed in a world of which I could never be accepted. Well, now I am there. I am an author. And for those of you reading this who are struggling with the demand for your writing and your ‘day job’ I say this: Be proud of who you are. Believe in your stories. They are important. And they will be told, to the right people, at the right time. Have a lovely week!

Friday 27 February 2015

You Can Find Me in the Bookshop #amreading

What does a writer do on her day off? Go to the bookshop of course! At the weekend I decided to take a break from the children, so I hijacked the car, left my husband in charge at home, and collected my friend and fellow book lover for a day out at our favourite local craft and antique centre. And there, we lost ourselves among the stacks… it had to be done!

I love the smell of old books. I love the texture of their covers. And while my dry eyes struggle to cope, I even love that dusty, musty atmosphere of a second hand bookshop. It is unique. It is special. It is home. I found myself wandering alongside the bookshelves dragging my fingers across the spines, just to get a fix of their energy and power. You all know what I mean!

My favourite local bookshop is called Booklore, and is hidden away in the arcade at Dagfields Crafts and Antiques near Nantwich in Cheshire. Where is your favourite local bookshop? Tell me about it, and share your story of bookish love…

Monday 23 February 2015

I’m Still Here! Author at Work #amwriting

Hello my friends, and how are you today? You may have wondered why I fell silent over here on the Catherine Green Author blog. Well, I will tell you. I have been very busy. Not only am I powering ahead with my business plan, setting my intentions for 2015 and beyond (thank you, Leonie Dawson!), I am mothering and nurturing my young family at home. And, most importantly for the purposes of our conversation, I am beavering away on the latest installment of the Redcliffe novels series.

Before you get too excited, remember that I am still only writing the first draft of my fourth Redcliffe novel. Eye of the Tiger has taken a lot longer to write than any of the previous books that I published. I think the reason might have something to do with my nineteen month old daughter… and her four year old sister… and the dog… and the husband… and the house… you get the picture. But I never gave up. Despite the sleepless nights, the almost constant breastfeeding, and the demands of my family, my Redcliffe characters waited patiently in the background until I could return to them.

And now they are losing patience. The story has been too long in coming, and the Mason brothers are getting restless. That is never a good sign! When you take the cool, calculating power of the vampire, and his hot-headed, impulsive alpha werewolf brother, you know there will be trouble in their little Cornish town. Poor old Jessica has got it bad. She really fell in with the wrong crowd. Now she is in love with a vampire and a werewolf, and they alternately use her and abuse her for the power that she holds as a witch. Tough times, filled with passion, intensity and action.

See you later!

*Vision Board from personal archive; Witch image courtesy of Deviant Art

Saturday 14 February 2015

Love Hurts; Love Kills; Love Redeems - Happy Valentine's Day! #amreading

I never understood the concept of being in love.  It always seems like such a big deal and yet everywhere you look you see people getting their hearts broken, scorned women and cheating men.  Practically every TV show, film or novel has some sort of love theme running through it.  People thrive on relationships; they chase each other for romance, for excitement, or simply to be together.  They argue, fight, make up, and break up. I have seen a lot of people hurt by love and then I have seen a few people who are happy with it.  The whole subject confuses me, it frightens me, and because I don’t understand it, I don’t miss it and I certainly don’t chase it.


Don’t get me wrong; love must be worth fighting for because everyone always seems to be chasing it.  But not me.  No, I decided after my parents died and my family abandoned me that I would look after number one before anyone else.  Then I met Liz and developed love of a different kind, love for my best friend, my sister.  I made an exception and vowed to always protect her no matter what.  But when it came to men, not a chance.  I wasn’t interested.  I didn’t need romance, and I didn’t need a relationship.

  Then I met Jack Mason and his brother Danny.  All of my carefully built defences came crashing down around me.  Love is dangerous and painful.  Love is confusing and exhausting.  Love will get you killed.  Yet despite everything I find myself going back for more, unable to break free of this trap.  My life was normal and happy and successful before I met the Mason brothers.  Then they showed me what I had been lacking and what I needed to truly be fulfilled.  So let me tell you the story, about a picturesque seaside town in South Western England, and the secrets of its seemingly innocent inhabitants…

***You can now purchase Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) for just £0.99 on Kindle!*** 
The Redcliffe Novels are widely available in both paperback and ebook formats.