Showing posts with label #TheRedcliffeNovels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #TheRedcliffeNovels. Show all posts

Monday 17 February 2020

This Author’s Health Journey

We all have a story. Every single one of us, whether we write about it or not. My fictional stories are inspired by real-life events, experiences and perceptions, albeit with a little paranormal twist… hey, I like to liven things up a little bit! A big part of my personal story is my health. I am generally a very healthy and happy thirty-eight-year-old woman. I have had two successful pregnancies with very minor complications during labour. But I have been in and out of hospital all my life.

I have a rare genetic disorder called Lymphodoema Distichiasis. You can’t even pronounce it, can you? I had to practice a little when the diagnosis officially came. I carry a recessive gene, called the FOXC2 gene. It means that my body produces anomalies. For me those anomalies include a double row of eyelashes in both eyes. My eyelashes grow on the inside of the eyelid, and they turn in so that they scratch my corneas. I have severe scarring in both eyes, and I have routine minor surgery procedures to remove the extra eyelashes using lasers. In between hospital visits, I pluck the offending eyelashes out with tweezers. Not pleasant. It is very painful and can be very debilitating, but I am not the sort of person to let that get in my way. More recently I have been diagnosed with a chronic pain condition as a result of the distichiasis and Dry Eye Syndrome. The nerve endings on the surface of my eyes are inflamed and make me feel like I have something scratching my eye even when I don’t. It causes a lot of pain, and I never have enough natural tears to ease it.

You see, that is my story. One author, one rare genetic eye disorder. It could have caused me to give up my job, my ability to drive, even my independence, because it got so bad at one point. But I refused to submit to the pain and the discomfort. Instead I sought alternative methods of healing, which brought me to my current training in Reiki. That is a higher vibrational energy healing system that we can all tap into, and I find it incredibly helpful for my health condition. It will also find its way into my stories and has even inspired me to plan some non-fiction books based on my experiences.

What are your life experiences, health or otherwise? How do they inspire and inform your career choices, your hobbies, your way of life?

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 10 February 2020

My Vampire Boyfriend (A Redcliffe Short Story Anthology) by Catherine Green

The witch, her vampire, and his identical twin werewolf brother. What could possibly go wrong?

The pretty seaside town of Redcliffe in Cornwall is a popular location for holidaymakers during the summer season. It has good waves for surfing, good pubs for socialising, and a vibrant tourist industry. It is also home to a hidden werewolf pack, and several vampires and witches, who all live within human society, pretending to be just like the rest of us.

Bookshop owner Jessica Stone used to be one of those humans. Then she met Detective Jack Mason and his twin brother, Danny. They took her on a wild adventure that shows no sign of slowing down. Now she is deeply embedded with the vampires and werewolves, and learning the power of their lust, and a magnetic attraction that is just too hard to ignore. She is also learning about her own true heritage, and how to feed her desires and satisfy her powerful animal familiar that resides within.

This anthology contains adult themes, and scenes of a sexual nature. The short stories offer a glimpse into the sexual adventures of a fledgling witch, her vampire and werewolf, and their friends in various situations.

 Available at Amazon US; Amazon UK; Books2Read

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England

Monday 27 January 2020

Heart of the Vampire (A Redcliffe Novel) by Catherine Green

“You have to feed, Jack,” I insisted, “And you cannot use me. We tried that before and you almost killed me, remember?”
“You found a way to survive,” my vampire replied gruffly.
I laughed, but it was not amusement that brought such a reaction.
“I survived,” I said, emphasizing the word, “because of your brother. Danny saved me. He sacrificed his wolves so that I could claw back some human strength. Maybe that’s what caused this…” I gestured to the empty space on the bed behind me, “thing with Suri.”
“Perhaps,” Jack replied quietly, “But the point is, you survived.”

It is almost Halloween in Redcliffe, Cornwall, and Jessica Stone is not the woman she used to be. Her summer was hijacked by werewolves, she fell in love with a vampire, and now she is learning how to be a witch, and what it means to celebrate Samhain with her new coven. Her vampire boyfriend, Jack Mason, is busy at work as a police detective, and his identical twin brother Danny, the werewolf alpha, refuses to let go of the woman he has chosen to protect his pack.

Jessica must learn about control, power, and the love that she truly feels for her vampire boyfriend and his brother.

The Redcliffe novels series follow the adventures of bookshop owner Jessica Stone as she meets a man and falls in love, only to discover the hidden werewolf secrets of her close friends. That includes Simon Bunce, manager of the Ship Inn, who turns out to be lieutenant to the Redcliffe werewolf pack, and lover to the wolf alpha Danny Mason. He fights to protect his master from the ethereal animal familiar who threatens to claim their pack. Who knew the Cornish coast could be so deadly?

Find the Redcliffe novels series in bookshops and online and request them in your local library.

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 20 January 2020

Eye of the Tiger (A Redcliffe Novel) by Catherine Green

Jessica Stone used to be a normal human. Then she fell in love with a vampire, met his identical twin werewolf brother, and her life fell apart spectacularly. Meeting Detective Jack Mason, and his brother Danny, brought about a powerful change, and Jessica’s magic was released. Now, in Redcliffe book 4, she must learn to control her ethereal animal familiar, who lusts after the alpha werewolf, and will stop at nothing to use her human mistress as a tool... Or is that a weapon?

I looked at her and she gasped and stepped back, shielding the baby in her pram instinctively.

“Jess,” she whispered, “Your eyes are glowing.”

I shook my head and blinked furiously, forcing Suri to back off and leave me alone. The tiger disappeared with a growl, but she knew she would get her way eventually. I focused on calming the energy that was whipping around my body in an invisible storm. I did not need this right now, and Liz definitely did not deserve it.

The Redcliffe novels series follow the adventures of bookshop owner Jessica Stone as she meets a man and falls in love, only to discover the hidden werewolf secrets of her close friends. That includes Simon Bunce, manager of the Ship Inn, who turns out to be lieutenant to the Redcliffe werewolf pack, and lover to the wolf alpha Danny Mason. He fights to protect his master from the ethereal animal familiar who threatens to claim their pack. Who knew the Cornish coast could be so deadly?

Find the Redcliffe novels series in bookshops and online and request them in your local library.

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 6 January 2020

My Top 3 Professional Goals for 2020

I wanted to write something inspirational and motivational today. This is our first day back at school after the Christmas holidays, and for many people it is also the first day back at work. I know a few people who are planning career changes in 2020, but for me there is a sense of, well, nothing, to be honest. I usually start a new year raring to go, with lots of plans for how to grow my blog, how to increase my subscriber numbers, and crucially, how to sell my novels. But none of it works. I simply do not have the time or the resources to make it happen. So then I get cross with myself and start searching for work from home jobs on my preferred jobs websites. Then I get frustrated because it takes me away from working on my freelance business, and the whole cycle turns inwards. This year I am breaking that pattern. Here are my top 3 professional goals for 2020:

1, Be realistic. I have been trying to earn money from my published novels and freelance writing for the past eight years, and I still do not earn a regular livable wage. It simply isn’t happening for me. I need to lower my expectations, accept that I am just an average human, and keep trying to learn and grown in the best way that I can. I do not have access to business training courses, and I cannot pay for a mentor to guide me through the process. I have no money for PR or advertising, so I cannot build my author brand quickly. I can only take each day as it comes.

2, Be flexible. I have been applying for “regular jobs” for most of my adult life. Back when I worked a full-time office job, I was applying for work within the media industry, desperately looking for that big break so I could move into broadcasting and TV. But it was not my career, nor was it meant to be. I am a creative writer. I love words. But now I am struggling to get into the very closed and unwelcoming literary industry. I’m just a boring white girl from an average family. I have no special back story that will propel me to literary fame, and nobody has heard of my self-published novels. So, I will apply for part-time jobs in my local area and be open to suggestions about how to earn a decent wage while still caring for my family.

3, Be kind to myself. There is no point in me getting upset and frustrated every time I hit the proverbial brick wall. It is an old pattern of behaviour, and I am ready to move on. There is clearly a reason why I am not selected or considered for the jobs I apply for, whether they are freelance writing jobs, or regular day jobs. I do not desperately need the money. I want it for a bit of financial independence, but I am in a strong marriage, and my husband has a good, reliable job. He works in waste management; he will always find work. The work that I do is important but largely unrecognised in modern society. I know how valuable I am. I know my worth. And I will not settle for second best. I would rather be “unemployed” that make myself ill trying to juggle a job I despise with childcare and all the other domestic commitments on my time.

What are your plans and professional goals for 2020? Have you instigated a big career change, or are you happy and settled with your lot? I wish you a healthy, happy and prosperous new decade!

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 9 December 2019

Wicked Winter Paranormal Romance Giveaway

Do you prefer your romances with a touch of darkness? Creepy creatures? A little magic, maybe? What wicked good luck you have! Check out all these free eBooks just howling your name!

Throughout December you can download It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and discover the paranormal Redcliffe Novels series set in Cornwall, England. Click here for your free paranormal romance stories.  

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 2 December 2019

Christmas with the Vampires by Catherine Green

Our favourite bad-boy vampire, Marcus Scott, meets an old friend for Christmas in Edwardian London.

With his blond hair, ice blue eyes and sculpted physique, Marcus Scott immediately turns the heads of everyone he encounters upon his arrival in London at Christmas time. Unbeknownst to all the women and men who fall under his spell with just one glance, Marcus is a vampire with a desperate need to feed from the young and the beautiful. When he unexpectedly encounters Lady Amelia Richmond, the vampire instrumental in his own transition, the two begin to plan a holiday feast to satisfy their deep hunger.

Buy Links:

Available to download from Amazon US and Amazon UK

 Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Signup now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 25 November 2019

Support Small Business this #BlackFriday!

How do you feel about the #BlackFriday and #CyberWeekend phenomenon? Let’s face it, we can barely avoid the hype in this day and age. It is how we have evolved in society. I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I believe in not over-commercializing holidays such as Christmas. However, I sell books for a living. If I don’t sell the books I write, I won’t make any money, and that could negatively affect my children and husband.

I propose a compromise: think about the small business owners, including indie authors, craft businesses, local produce etc. They rely on income from the sales of the stock that they lovingly create by hand. We should support those businesses.  When I hear about #BlackFriday, my thoughts turn to Amazon. Well, they are made up of small business owners, like me, who rely on royalties paid via Amazon for the sales of our books.

Why not search for alternative Christmas gifts for your friends and family? Find them a book written and produced independently by a new author. Try a CD by a young musician. Or even search for some handcrafted bespoke trinkets, jewellery, furniture or bric-a-brac. The small business owners will be far more grateful for your custom and will make more effort to give you the personal customer service that makes you feel good about parting with your hard-earned cash. Thank you.

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here


Monday 18 November 2019

Why I Won’t Worry about Winning #NaNoWriMo

Life is stressful. The past few months have been challenging, and since the death of my beloved dog I feel that my creative spark has all but fizzled out. I had been trying to write the last book in my Redcliffe novels series, so I can put an end to a ten-year project. But this last book is eluding me, and I need some motivation. I decided to rejoin #NaNoWriMo, hoping it would inspire me to do the work. So far it has not. I have written around 13,000 words and we are over halfway through the month. I need to up my game. But I simply cannot do it.

Some people might say he was only a dog and I will get over losing him. But he was my companion, my child, my muse. He watched me from the sofa while I worked, and when he knew I needed a break, he would come and move me or demand attention. Over the years I have processed plot twists and plot holes while cuddling him, I have conversed with new characters whilst walking along the canal with my dog, and I have been inspired to write about werewolves in the Redcliffe novels series. I know I can finish this book. Bite of the Wolf (A Redcliffe Novel) must be written, and it must be published. This is a passion project. And I’m doing it for Baxter.

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Signup now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 21 October 2019

I am Actually an Author!

If you are a parent you might recognise the tone of my title today, inspired by the Charlie and Lola series of books written for children. My daughters love those books, and I enjoy reading them at bedtime. It came as an epiphany late last week, when I was mentally reviewing my recent freelance workload, or lack thereof. I am currently experiencing the dry spell of the freelancer, and it threw me into a slight panic, not least because of the lack of income. I began to worry that I wasn’t good enough, and that I am an impostor.

Stop! Wait a minute. I am actually an author! For most of the past twelve months I have focused on growing my SpookyMrsGreen pagan family lifestyle blog, and the results are beginning to show. I have a growing audience, and one that is engaged with my blog posts, and I still enjoy writing for my blog. But I have neglected my novels. I have been half-heartedly working on book 6 in the Redcliffe novels series, but I am no further forward with it than I was twelve months ago. I have been distracted by my blog work and have allowed my fiction work to fall by the wayside. And so, I have decided that this year I shall participate in NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month. I need to write approximately 50,000 words to finish the first draft of Bite of the Wolf (A Redcliffe Novel), so November is the perfect time to do the writing. Let us see if I manage to complete my challenge, or if I allow other distractions to creep in…

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Signup now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 30 September 2019

I Read a Lot, I Read a Little

Do you belong to a local book club? I do. We have been meeting now for quite a few years, and the women at book club bring a welcome distraction from mummy life. I mean, some of them have children as well, but once a month when we attend book club, we are individuals and we talk about books. Sometimes we talk about movies and TV shows as well, depending on the subject of conversation. It is always enjoyable, and I always come away feeling more cheerful than when I go in.

Our recent book club reading list has been quite heavy-going. We have read books including The Choice (Auschwitz and its aftermath), A Little Life (childhood abuse and lasting mental illness), and now A Thousand Splendid Suns (the Taliban regime). All of these books would not be my first choice for reading material. I generally read paranormal or supernatural stories, historical sagas and women’s fiction. So, I am glad that book club encourages me to try new books. And sometimes I am glad that the decision has been made for me, because I really struggle to pick my next book when I have so many to choose from! Admittedly I haven’t begun reading A Thousand Splendid Suns yet, but I will do. I have had a few weeks where life gets in the way, my mood is a bit strange, and I just didn’t feel like reading something so serious. What reading mood are you in this week?

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 23 September 2019

Paranormal and Fantasy Romance Giveaway

Paranormal and Fantasy Romance Giveaway

Choose one book or choose them all!

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.

NHS nurse Sally Frost tells a story about her secret life as werewolf lieutenant to Danny Mason in Redcliffe, Cornwall.

Sally Frost is a mild-mannered NHS hospital nurse by day (and night). When she is not at her human job, she follows a rather more exotic path as lieutenant for the Redcliffe werewolf pack. Her alpha, Danny Mason, battles to hold his pack together, and he calls upon his lovelorn, reliable right-hand woman to get the job done.

This short story compliments the Redcliffe Novels series that is widely available in bookshops and online.

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Signup now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 9 September 2019

Heart of the Vampire (A Redcliffe Novel) by Catherine Green

It is almost Halloween in Redcliffe, Cornwall, and Jessica Stone is not the woman she used to be. Her summer was hijacked by werewolves, she fell in love with a vampire, and now she is learning how to be a witch, and what it means to celebrate Samhain with her new coven. Her vampire boyfriend, Jack Mason, is busy at work as a police detective, and his identical twin brother Danny, the werewolf alpha, refuses to let go of the woman he has chosen to protect his pack.

Jessica must learn about control, power, and the love that she truly feels for her vampire boyfriend and his brother.

The Redcliffe novels series follow the adventures of bookshop owner Jessica Stone as she meets a man and falls in love, only to discover the hidden werewolf secrets of her close friends. That includes Simon Bunce, manager of the Ship Inn, who turns out to be lieutenant to the Redcliffe werewolf pack, and lover to the wolf alpha Danny Mason. He fights to protect his master from the ethereal animal familiar who threatens to claim their pack. Who knew the Cornish coast could be so deadly?

Find #TheRedcliffeNovels series in bookshops and online and request them in your local library. For buy links and more details, visit Catherine Green at   

You can find her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as @SpookyMrsGreen.

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE copy of It’s Complicated from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 2 September 2019

Eye of the Tiger (A Redcliffe Novel) by Catherine Green

Jessica Stone used to be a normal human. Then she fell in love with a vampire, met his identical twin werewolf brother, and her life fell apart spectacularly. Meeting Detective Jack Mason, and his brother Danny, brought about a powerful change, and Jessica’s magic was released. Now, in Redcliffe book 4, she must learn to control her ethereal animal familiar, who lusts after the alpha werewolf, and will stop at nothing to use her human mistress as a tool... Or is that a weapon?

The Redcliffe novels series follow the adventures of bookshop owner Jessica Stone as she meets a man and falls in love, only to discover the hidden werewolf secrets of her close friends. That includes Simon Bunce, manager of the Ship Inn, who turns out to be lieutenant to the Redcliffe werewolf pack, and lover to the wolf alpha Danny Mason. He fights to protect his master from the ethereal animal familiar who threatens to claim their pack. Who knew the Cornish coast could be so deadly?

*** Read Simon’s story My New Master, featured inside The Mirador Fantasmagoria***

The Redcliffe novels are widely available in paperback and eBook formats from UK bookshops, your local library (UK only), and online with retailers including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Smashwords. Click here to buy the book.

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE copy of It’s Complicated from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.