Monday 14 January 2013

7 Lines from the 7th Page

I was recently tagged on Facebook by author Ciaran Dwynvil to play the 7 lines game.

Go to either page 7 or 77 of your manuscript. Count down 7 lines, then copy the next 7 lines to your status. After that, name 7 more authors to come out and play. I tag Alex Laybourne; Rebecka Vigus; Gracie C. McKeever; T Michael McCormack; Francesca Elizabeth MillerKelly DeWitt; and Clayton Bye

Here are my 7 lines, taken from my third and upcoming novel Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel):

    I blinked and shook my head, trying to rid myself of the horror of that dream.
    “You attacked Liz,” I whispered, “You and Danny.  I couldn’t stop it.”
    Jack sat back, unsure how to react.
    “I would never attack Elizabeth,” he said quietly, “She poses no threat to me or my brother.”
    I swallowed, realizing that my throat was dry from the screaming.  My body was shivering, still in panic mode from the memory of my imagination.  I coughed to clear my throat.
    “I know,” I said uncertainly, “Sorry.”

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH - Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel)

Good morning and welcome to this week's Hump Day Hook. Today I am sharing an excerpt from my third Redcliffe novel Love Redeems. The book is due for release very soon, and I am excited to report that this installment proves to be the most action-packed and passionate offering yet! Here is the excerpt, but be warned, it is not for those of a delicate disposition...

“Jessica,” Danny gasped again, his voice struggling to sound human, “Jessica, please, let me go.  You do not want to do this.”
            I laughed, lowering my face to his.  He smelled of woodland, fresh foliage, running water, and something clean and fresh and alive.  I inhaled deeply, closing my eyes as I savoured the sensation.  While I did this I held tight to his arms, feeling the strain of hard muscle beneath my fingers, which triggered a tightening in my body.  Opening my eyes, I found Danny staring helplessly at me.  His struggle faded as he fell into the hypnotic emerald depths of my gaze.  His wolf eyes glowed at me, and he scented my skin as I moved in for a kiss.
            “You smell of tiger,” he growled softly, “I have never experienced this before.”
            “Enjoy it while you can,” I growled in response, and then I touched my lips to his, softly at first and then harder, passionate, forcing my power into and through his body. 
            I writhed on top of him, my nails gouging the skin of his arms, my power flowing straight into the alpha and calling out to his pack.  Behind me I heard Simon cry out.
            “No!” he shouted, “Jessica, stop this, now!”

What do you make of that? Exciting stuff! If you would like to see the offerings of my fellow group members, please see our Facebook Hump Day Hook group, or check out the blog by Kerrianne Coombes for a full list of participants. I will update you when I have a fixed release date for Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel), but in the meantime see my author website for books 1 and 2 in the series; Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) and Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel).

Tuesday 8 January 2013

2013 Writing Plans for Redcliffe and Beyond

I have begun 2013 on a bit of a mission. In 2012 I got a little distracted by other activities, but I still managed to publish my second novel and write a separate one for NaNoWriMo. I also wrote a couple of short stories, but they took a while. In retrospect, I did not put in the effort I would have liked with my writing, and so this year I intend to reconcile that issue.

A big challenge for an Indie author is that of self promotion and book marketing. I have learned a lot about the industry during my almost two years on the job, so to speak. There is still a lot more for me to learn, and I have several books and training manuals still to consult on the topic of SEO, marketing and treating the job like a small business. All in all, I rather like being an entrepreneur, or rather, a mumpreneur!

Anyway, one of my targets for 2013 is to submit more short stories for publication in anthologies. These are a good way to spread the word about writing talents, to share ideas for prospective new novels, and continue to build on the growing audience for a series we might be writing. In my case I have written two short stories that feature characters and locations from my Redcliffe novels. One is a vampire story, and the other one features the werewolves.

I was pleasantly surprised today to discover that I already have three short stories that are edited and presentable for submission. Now I need to find the right publishers. Shouldn't be too hard! I also have a novella seeking publication, I have a novel waiting to be edited, and I am writing another separate novel about a vampire hunter who discovers something interesting about her past lives (even I am not sure what that is just yet!)

When I have completed all of that, or rather, while I am still completing all of that, I have to write the fourth Redcliffe novel. This will be a little difficult since I changed the ending to Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) - book 3, and so my original notes for book 4 are totally useless! Hey-ho, it's all part of the fun. Now if only my beloved Muse would wake up, step forward, and give me some inspiration it will all come together...

Sunday 6 January 2013

Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) - *FREE Special Offer*

I am pleased to announce the imminent release of my third Redcliffe novel, Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). This book promises to be the most explosive part of the adventure so far, with more revelations for bookshop owner Jessica Stone as she navigates the new world of supernatural creatures, vengeful vampires, and alpha werewolves.

To celebrate the new book, and as a thank you to my fellow readers and authors for your continued support, I have posted up my first novel, Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) free on Wattpad. Follow bookshop owner Jessica Stone as she unwittingly falls in love with a vampire police detective and his identical twin werewolf brother. Their lives are dangerous but Jessica cannot leave once she admits her feelings and discovers her own hidden truths.Check it out here

If you enjoy that one, you can sample the second novel, Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel), and I will be back very soon to share the release date for Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). Any reviews are welcome and appreciated, as is your interaction either here, over on Wattpad, or via Twitter or Facebook.

Have a lovely day!

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Hump Day Hook - Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel)

Good morning and Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to a glorious 2013, where our days will be filled with literary joy and there are many new and exciting books to be discovered, written and read. Today I am sharing an excerpt from my newest, and as yet unpublished Redcliffe novel, Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). This is the third book in my series, and concludes the trilogy which introduces us to bookshop owner Jessica Stone, her best friend Elizabeth Gormond, her lover Jack Mason and his identical twin brother Danny. This excerpt is from Chapter 1, and as you can see, the book gets straight to the action with no messing!

              I darted round the houses and shops that formed the end of the terrace in which I lived and worked, scraping my arm on the rough brick but not feeling any pain from the impact.  I had to save Liz.  Entering the street behind my house, I saw my red Ford Fiesta parked in its usual space outside my garden gate, and a huge black 4x4 BMW that belonged to either Jack or Danny Mason, I couldn’t tell which without looking carefully at the number plate.  Why were they at my house alone?  They should be at work or at their house.  The panic increased and I imagined any number of horrors as I flung through the battered old wrought iron garden gate, along the narrow flagged pathway, and through my open back door. 

            “Liz!” I shouted, my gaze darting round my kitchen searching for her. 

            “Jessica,” Liz shouted back, “Help!”
            I stopped short when a huge wolf blocked my path.  His brindle fur, highlighted with streaks of gold, gleamed healthily in the residual orange glow from the streetlights outside.  His amber eyes glowed with power and he growled ominously, his hackles raised, warning me to stay away.  I stared past him and my heart sank.  Liz was struggling in the arms of my lover, Detective Jack Mason.  His short dark hair fell in waves at either side of his face, and his beautiful deep blue eyes were now glowing silver.  He hissed at me, his fangs gleaming, and then he struck at Liz’s neck, biting her as she screamed. 

            “Jack, no!” I screamed, running forward as the wolf that was Danny Mason leaped at me in attack.

Did that grab your attention? Want to know more? Then check out my first 2 novels Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) and Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel), widely available in paperback and eBook format now. They will tell you where the whole story began, and you will soon be able to read Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) as I plan to have it published in 2013.
To discover more fabulous new authors covering all kinds of romance, action and suspense genre, see our Facebook group for Hump Day Hook, or find the full list of participants here. Have a wonderful day!

Saturday 29 December 2012

Review: Bounty Hunter - Kate Lynd

Here is a review for the sci-fi novel Bounty Hunter by Kate Lynd:

Tough, gruff and passionate!

It has been a while since I read sci-fi, and so I was pleasantly surprised when I enjoyed this story. There is no messing in this narrative. We are thrown straight into the depths of adventure, meeting both the heroes and villains almost immediately. I liked the fast pace of this novel, and the story is well described. You really feel the passion with the characters, and I feel a personal connection to Logan Mitchell, in that I really wanted to offer him some comfort! That said, I think this book could have benefited from some fleshing out towards the end. It felt a bit rushed, as though the author was desperate to give us the conclusion and forgot that the reader might not be so familiar with the futuristic setting and character traits. All in all, I recommend this novel to anybody who enjoys a bit of rough and ready romance. It is very adult, and it is mostly a believable plot.  

Thursday 27 December 2012

Hump Day Hook for Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel)

It is time for another Hump Day Hook snippet from my second novel Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel). I trust you have all had a wonderful Christmas holiday and are preparing for an exciting New Year celebration. There will be more from Redcliffe in 2013, starting with the release of my third book, Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). Stay tuned, and in the meantime, here is something to whet your appetite.


Kimberley started to move and then suddenly her hand was at my throat.  She pushed me hard against the wall and I panicked, struggling to breathe.  Before she could speak Danny grabbed her, yanked her back, and threw her across the room so that she skidded and crashed into the wooden chairs.  I sank to the floor, hands to my throat, catching my breath, coughing and spluttering violently as my body reacted in fear.  Danny was crouched above Kimberley, growling and snarling but still in human form.  He punched her and the sound echoed through the room.  She cried out and I heard her whimper and beg him for forgiveness.  His voice was clear and terrifying.
“You ask my forgiveness?” he roared, slapping her face, “You should ask for Jessica’s!  She is my friend, and I welcome her here into our lair with a promise of protection.  You will protect her as our own, Kimberley, or you will be cast out.  What do you choose?”

Don't forget to check out our Facebook group for more exciting novel snippets and lots of fabulous authors. Happy reading!