Friday 1 February 2013

#FreeBooks Author Spotlight N.L. Gervasio #amreading

January 30th through February 1st, you will be able to download Gods & Vampyres for FREE on Whats even better? From February 2nd through February 3rd, The Dracove will be FREE again.
You can get the first two books in the Prophecy series for FREE this week and this week ONLY.

The Dracove – Book I of the Prophecy series

Kylie O’Rourke has unwittingly walked into the path of two vampyres—one who wants to use her as a sacrifice, and one who only wishes to win her heart. As she is pulled into their clandestine world, she learns more about her history and the reason behind her horrible nightmares.

Master vampyre Cianán searches for the one woman who could take his immortality to the next level—godhood. But, when he finds his Chosen One, his progeny Grantlund stumbles onto the Master’s plan . . . again. As if losing his first sacrifice to the bastard wasn’t enough, the Fates were to torment him with a second time.


Gods & Vampyres – Book II of the Prophecy series


The act never changes, only its players over thousands of years.

When Kylie is taken for use as a sacrifice in an ancient ritual, Grantlund races to save her life, but he has to wait for that perfect moment or all will be lost. Not only does he have to go up against his former Master, Cianán, one of the oldest and most powerful vampyres on Earth, but now the gods are involved, and Cianán has a very prominent one in his corner.

Grant will do anything to stop Cianán from destroying his lover and this world, but what price is he willing to pay? Death at the hands of the woman he loves?

An epic battle is about to begin, and not even the gods know who will come out the victor.


This promotion starts on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning at midnight PST, so be sure to bookmark the event or write it down. And share, share, share, folks! Word of mouth is an authors best advertising!
Jinxies hard at work on the next Prophecy series bookGemini Book III of the Prophecy series. It needs a bit of editing, and an in-between novella may come of it.
Also, dont forget to check the Just Ink Press website for Special Content.

NL “Jinxie” Gervasio is a creator and destroyer of worlds. Shes both editor and author, and discovered shes quite good at the romance thingwriting it, that isalong with vampires, werewolves, zombies, angels and demons.
Jinxie is the CEO and Founder of Just Ink Press, her second publishing company, and she also owns and operates Forever Nocturne e-zine, a bi-annual literary magazine. Jinxie reviews books in her spare time, of which she rarely has any.
Jinxie was born on Friday the 13th. Her dad wanted to call her Jinx. Her mom said no. It took 34 years for her to discover the nickname, and she's grown quite attached to it. She lives in Tempe, Arizona with Umi (her mother), whom she cares for. She enjoys riding her beach cruiser "The Betty" around downtown Tempe, loves a good pub crawl, and has had the pleasure and the heartache of experiencing a love far greater than she could have ever imagined.
She welcomes you to her worlds.
Jinxie is the author of the Kick-Ass Girls Club series book Nemesis, and the Prophecy series books The Dracove and Gods & Vampyres. Shes also an editor for several successful authors.
Find Jinxie online for updates to upcoming works:

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH - Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel)

Today is Hump Day Hook once again. My, the time goes quickly these days! During recent weeks we have been catching glimpses of life in the Cornish town of Redcliffe after Jessica Stone discovered the existence of vampires and werewolves, and began to learn about her own hidden heritage. Now I have decided to take us back to the beginning. Here is an excerpt from my debut novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel). This is an excerpt from the very first time that Jessica Stone met Jack Mason, on an ordinary midweek evening...

Suddenly he was pulled back and I staggered as he was torn away from my body.  I blinked and opened my eyes to see Simon standing in front of me, his face blazing with anger.  He shoved Jack away from me and almost snarled.  I had never seen him this angry. 
  “You stay away from her, Mason,” he growled.She is my friend.” 
Jack’s face became stern, almost stony as he replied in a cold voice.
   “Be careful, Simon,” he warned. “I think we should allow Jessica to decide what she is doing.  She seems perfectly capable of taking care of herself.”
  I felt a sudden rush of anger.  How dare Simon interrupt something so intimate!  My voice was strong and steady as I straightened up and faced the two men, glaring at Simon.  He took the full force of my rage, and it surprised him.
   “Simon, what the hell are you playing at?” I said angrily. “For your information I felt a bit faint inside and Jack brought me out here for some fresh air since it was so stuffy in the pub.  And you don’t even know him do you?” I added, the rage subsiding as quickly as it rose.  

There we go! If you like the sound of that then read the entire novel for free over on Wattpad. It is a limited special offer in preparation for the release of the third novel Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel), which will conclude the initial story of how Jack and Jessica met. But never fear, there will be lots more books in the series!

Now, if you enjoyed that excerpt, why not check out some other authors in our Hump Day Hook group? Please visit the official blog here, or find us on Facebook. Happy humping!

Monday 28 January 2013

#amwriting My Writing Schedule January Review

I think it might be nice to write a post about my monthly achievements with writing projects throughout 2013. If nothing else, it will give me a focus and a goal for which to do my writing. I find that my motivation is greatly improved if I have a word count target and a fixed deadline for my work. When I have no specific aim or plan, I tend to waver and procrastinate. My stories are always developing in my mind, but they don't always progress onto paper (or screen).

When we began 2013, just a month ago, I decided to write a minimum of 1000 words per day. I have almost managed to keep up that target. I don't always write on the computer, and I do include my blog posts in that target. I have been writing more in my journals, which I feel will become very useful in later years as and when I make the move to writing non-fiction. The point is, I am writing something. Perhaps I shouldn't be so hung up on facts and figures. As a writer, the main aim is to produce content that people will want to read. I am doing that. It is just coming together slowly.

There are several factors involved here. The main one is my toddler, who is with me 24/7. She starts playschool next week, which means I will finally have a fixed rota in which to work. I am quite excited at the prospect. It will give me a minimum of 15 hours per week to develop my freelance business and to work on my manuscripts and short stories. Wonderful! For now I will continue as I have been, writing as and when the mood takes me. I have submitted a short story for an anthology that I hope will be accepted by the publisher. I am currently confirming cover art and final agreements for the release of my third Redcliffe novel Love Redeems. Everything is falling into place. 2013 is off to a good start!

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH - Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel)

Hello and welcome to this week's Hump Day Hook! Last week I shared a little excerpt from my upcoming novel Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). Today I will share one last excerpt, before moving on to new projects. So far we have seen snippets of the relationship between our heroine Jessica Stone and her human best friend Liz, her werewolf friends Danny and Simon, and their mixed up emotional circumstances. Today I will share something of the lovers' relationship between Jessica and her vampire, Jack Mason. I feel he has faded into the shadows recently, so here is a little teaser.

Jack arrived promptly at closing time.  He startled me, appearing at the door just as I turned the sign to say ‘closed.’  I jumped and squealed, then laughed at my own stupidity as I unlocked the door to let him in.  Jack did not smile.  His expression was serious and he was clearly showing his vampire tonight as he stepped into my shop and across the room to my internal door, moving at lightening fast speed.  My skin prickled with tension and anxiety, but I forced myself to remain calm and not acknowledge his obvious bad mood.  Suri stood at the edge of her forest, watching the vampire, her large dark eyes sparkling with intelligence and power.  She opened her mouth and growled, but this time I was able to control myself and not allow it to escape through my body.  Instead I harnessed the power, drawing it into me in a tingling, electric mass.  It would help keep me strong and protect me from my boyfriend and his brother, should either of them try and exert their dominance over us.  

What do you make of that? Love is never easy, and more so if you happen to live in this crazy Cornish town! If you would like to see more novel excerpts, why not check out our Facebook group, or even our brand new blog site, Hump Day Hook? There are all sorts of stories featured, from straight romance, pure fantasy, paranormal, LGBT, Gothic and even a little sci-fi. You are sure to find something you will enjoy! Have a lovely week as always my friends.

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Monday 21 January 2013

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Hooray! Ciaran Dwynvil has nominated me for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Thank you! 

Ciaran writes gay and erotic paranormal romance, and I thoroughly enjoy reading his weekly snippets and excerpts every Wednesday on the Hump Day Hook blog hop. 

 The Rules:
  1. Display the award logo on your blog.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
  3. State 7 things about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 bloggers for this award and link to them.
  5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.
7 Things About Me:

1.      My third novel, Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) will be released very soon
2.      I am a natural redhead, and proud of it!
3.      I am married with one toddler, one Staffydoodle dog, and 2 turtles
4.      My hobbies include card making and crafting bead jewellery
5.      I sometimes hunt ghosts
6.      Occasionally I aspire to be like a Stepford wife (though very rarely!)
7.      One day I will own a small holiday cottage on the Cornish coast, from which to pen my masterpieces

15 Other Inspiring Blogs

So, let’s see where I like to stop and read… Check these bloggers too; you may well find something you enjoy...


Saturday 19 January 2013

Need a Crazy Writing Challenge?

I know many fellow writers who eagerly participate in the annual novelling challenge that is NaNoWriMo. In fact, I found myself feeling a little wistful the other day when I realised how far away our next challenge is. I seem to write so much more productively when I have a fixed target date and a schedule in mind. Now, I know I could quite easily set myself plenty of targets to get my work done. In fact, my current plan is to write a minimum of 1000 words per day, whether that be in the form of a novel manuscript or short stories. But it is a slow progress at the moment.

Just the other day I received a newsletter from a website called Authonomy. I admit I do not spend a lot of time over there, but I am subscribed to their email list. On the the newsletter I received, something caught my eye. A group of writers have set up a new challenge. They want to write a full novel (or more likely a novella) in just 30 hours during 26th and 27th January. They are calling it National Novel Writing Weekend (or NaNoWriWee), and it is open to the public with prizes available. For more details, here is the link.

I did seriously consider entering this challenge. My husband just happens to be off work for a week because it is our daughter's birthday and mine, and we had planned to do some family activities together. But I couldn't recall any specific plans for next weekend. When I queried it with my husband, he informed me that I had already agreed he could attend a football game next Saturday, since he no longer has a season ticket due to his work schedule, and he hasn't been to a game in several months. I couldn't really change my mind now.

That wouldn't normally be a problem, except that we have a toddler (who will be 2 tomorrow!). I almost gave up on the idea of joining NaNoWriWee but it is still there, whispering in the back of my mind. Perhaps I could arrange for the grandparents to step in and babysit... Hmm, that's not a bad idea...

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH - Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel)

Today I give you an excerpt from my upcoming novel and the third in the Redcliffe series, Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). This book concludes a trilogy that began with Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), and continued in Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel). Check out my fellow Hump Day Hook authors in our Facebook group, or on Kerrianne Coombes' blog.

This excerpt is the beginning of a conversation with our heroine Jessica Stone and her human best friend and business partner Elizabeth Gormond. I thought today we could take a break from werewolves and vampires, and see a little human perspective for a change... (don't worry, I have more vampire action lined up for next week!)

     Liz stared at me for a few moments. 
     “I know that Jack is a vampire, and that Danny, Simon and Sally are werewolves,” she said slowly, “I know what really happened to you, and I know that the two women who came to our shop were also werewolves.  Rob told me that much.  Can you tell me exactly what has been happening while I had a baby?”
      I smiled at her, and my heart lifted a little.  Liz was still able to offer sarcasm, even in such a small amount.  We would survive this test.  She returned my smile and some of the light returned to her eyes.  I realised that she was genuinely interested to hear my story, and she wanted to be a part of it.  Her responsibility now was to protect her daughter, her husband, and even her best friend if she could.  The least I could do was prepare her properly, although I didn’t know what I was expecting.

Don't forget that Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) is currently free to view on Wattpad as a limited special offer. Check it out now and tell me what you think!