Wednesday 13 February 2013

#HDH - Hump Day Hook - Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel)

Hello and welcome to Valentine’s week and today’s Hump DayHook! We have seen some interaction with vampires during recent weeks, and they seem to be a popular choice for Valentine romances. Today I would like to offer you a little something from the werewolves, just to shake it up a little. We return again to the first novel in the Redcliffe series, Love Hurts, and this one is free to view on Wattpad for a limited time only.

With that in mind, here is an excerpt where our heroine Jessica Stone witnesses a mysterious exchange between the werewolf alpha Danny Mason, and his lieutenant Sally Frost. At this point Jessica is not aware of vampires and werewolves, and she has no idea of what she has gotten herself involved in.

Danny was standing close to Sally, and he looked quite angry and intimidating.  In fact he looked different, more frightening, very like Jack had on that morning when he pinned me in the bedroom.  Sally seemed to be acting submissively to him, as though she had done something wrong, but I couldn’t imagine what.  Surely they must be a couple and they were having an argument.  But why would Danny be in the hospital when Sally was working?  He should be at work today I knew that.  Actually he was dressed in jeans and a smart shirt rather than his usual surfer clothes.  I knew enough to see that these were his work clothes.  Maybe he was on an investigation or something. 

Mysterious happenings, aren’t they? Ha ha! Now, why not pop over to our Hump Day Hook blog and check out some fabulous excerpts from brilliant authors that write everything from straight romance, gay romance and erotica, medical drama, science fiction, and a whole lot more. You can also find us on Facebook, and join in the fun. Happy Humping, and Happy Valentine’s!

Tuesday 12 February 2013

The Redcliffe Novels Fantasy Cast List

People have been asking me recently which actors I would like to see playing the roles of my heroes and heroines in the Redcliffe novels, should they be picked up by Hollywood, or maybe the BBC… After much consideration, I have assembled a fantasy cast list of the main characters. My actors will have to be British in order to do an authentic portrayal. I would like to see some new talent emerging, but for now I will choose familiar faces from British television (and the odd Hollywood superstar) to give you an idea. 

 Jessica Stone – It took a while for me to settle on a suitable match for Jessica. Finally I decided my closest ideal is the actress Rosie Marcel, most recently known for her role as consultant Jac Naylor in the BBC hospital drama series Holby City. She has the look I imagine for Jessica, and she clearly likes to play strong and complex female roles.

 Jack and Danny Mason – Now these two are a slight problem. I have two actors in mind, but I need identical twin brothers from Ireland if I am to make the characters truly authentic. As far as appearances go, here are my favourites. I choose Michael Fassbender, because let’s face it, he is hot! And he seems to prefer fantasy roles, if you remember the television series Hex and the X-Men: First Class film.

But, there is another man who I see as a great Jack Mason. That is the Being Human actor Aidan Turner, who totally stole my heart when he appeared on screen as the tortured vampire Mitchell. Ooh, the choice is so hard!

 Elizabeth Gormond – I need an actress who can be both accessible and spunky to play Jessica’s best friend and business partner. Liz is a happily married woman, who is starting a family, but she is very forthright, very strong in her opinions and morals, and she is fiercely protective of those she loves. I see the actress Jemima Rooper playing a convincing Elizabeth.

Marcus Scott – Well, now, the vampire Marcus Scott is a character! He was never supposed to be such a big part of the Redcliffe novels, but somehow he forced his way into my affections, and indeed, into Jessica’s, much to her dismay! I have two candidates for the part of Marcus. The first is another Holby City actor, James Anderson. He is totally cheeky and charming as the trainee surgeon Oliver Valentine, and I think he could quite easily switch into confident playboy vampire mode.

But, there is another potential for Marcus, and one who I am sure a lot of vampire fans will be very familiar with. I was thinking perhaps Joseph Morgan, who currently plays the evil vampire Klaus in The Vampire Diaries. Delicious!

So there we are. I have finally put faces to some of the names in the Redcliffe novels, and I hope you appreciate my choices. I am still searching for suitable candidates to play werewolf lieutenants Simon Bunce and Sally Frost, Elizabeth’s husband Robert Gormond, and witch Crystal Waters. They will show themselves in good time… 

*All actor photographs courtesy of Google images in the public domain*

Sunday 10 February 2013

*Cover Reveal* Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) – New Release!

It has arrived! It has finally arrived! After much discussion, tantalising titbits, and lots of talk about my exciting new Redcliffe novel, I can now reveal the front cover of Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel).

*Cue drum roll* - Ta-da!

Adjusting to life with vampires and werewolves, Jessica Stone is learning about being a witch. Love is painful. Life is difficult. It is never boring.

Life has changed forever in Redcliffe, Cornwall. Jessica Stone used to be a normal, happy human. Now she is an angry, conflicted and confused witch. It all happened when she met Detective Jack Mason and his identical twin brother Danny. Jessica almost died twice, fell into a love triangle, and she became a murderer. Now she faces the ultimate challenge as she continues the fight to save the man she loves, while simultaneously struggling with her lust for his werewolf brother and their vampire friend. Can she survive, or will love finally end her life completely?

Friday 8 February 2013

#NLD13 - National Libraries Day 2013

I  have just discovered that it is National Libraries Day today! That will be Friday, 8th February 2013, depending on when you read this post. I am very excited, although I haven't seen an advert for activities in my local library. Apparently libraries all over the UK are participating in  events to celebrate the special day, and I came across it through my local newspaper, the Winsford and Middlewich Guardian. Winsford library is doing an event offering animal handling, which sounds like fun.

I love my local library! I love all local libraries. And I have been dismayed to read in the news all these stories about our government closing down libraries in the UK, reducing their opening hours, and generally taking away what I consider to be a very valuable and useful resource for local communities. I attend Middlewich library pretty much every Tuesday morning, when my daughter enjoys their free Rhymetime session. It consists of half an hour of singing and dancing for pre-school children, and a social hour for the parents and carers. The children enjoy some time together, they find lots of exciting books to read, and they run around burning off steam in a safe and contained environment.

As a child I would visit my previous local library every Saturday morning, with my mother and younger brother. Mum was the one who encouraged me to read. She was the guiding factor in my progression as a published author, and it was partly her insistence on us visiting the library that sticks in my mind. I loved those weekly jaunts. The library was a small, 1960s building in the market town of Cheadle, Staffordshire. It was not an inspiring place to look at, certainly no architectural dream, but it contained everything I needed to free my imagination and take me to other worlds.

Nowadays we use libraries for all sorts of reasons. They are not simply a place to borrow books anymore. I recently discovered a selection of magazines and business pamphlets in the Middlewich library, and they offered up ideas and suggestions for my developing business as a freelance writing professional. You can read daily newspapers in your local library, you can access the internet, and you can find details about events and groups in your community. They are a fantastic place to socialize and to meet like-minded people, no matter what your age.

So here's to National Libraries Day in the UK! I love my library!

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH - Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel)

Good morning and welcome to another Hump Day Hook! This week I have decided to show what happened when Jessica Stone met the vampire Marcus Scott. He is an interesting character. He was only supposed to have a bit part in the Redcliffe novels, but somehow he wheedled his way into the cast, and if I'm honest, into my heart! Watch out for more of Marcus when I find the right publisher for his story...

For now, here is the Hump Day Hook taken from my debut novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel). Don't forget you can read the whole novel for free on Wattpad for a limited time only, check it out!

“Marcus stop!” I cried, “Please stop, you’re hurting me!”
I was suddenly in a blind panic as he lifted his head, his face pale, and his eyes wild.  He opened his mouth and I tried to scream.  He was going to bite me! 
Suddenly he was flung away and slammed into the ground across the car park.  I saw Danny standing before me.  He glared at Marcus.
 “What did we tell you?” he yelled, “She is with Jack; she is not yours to take.  Leave us!” 
Marcus smoothly stood and put a hand to his mouth where he was bleeding from Danny’s punch.  He smiled and sauntered away without a word.  Danny turned back to me. 
“Are you alright, Jessica?” he asked, “Did he hurt you?” 
Tears sprang to my eyes.  I felt so foolish, so stupid.  If I hadn’t gotten drunk I could have stopped this from happening.  Danny‘s expression was full of concern. 
“Hey it’s all right.” he said softly, “Look, come inside and I’ll get you some water and find Jack.”   

Dramatic, isn't he? Marcus is a brilliant vampire, and he certainly throws a spanner in the works when he makes an appearance. You can see more of him in my second novel Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel) and in my upcoming third release Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel)

If you want to see more great writing from diverse and exciting authors, check out our Hump Day Hook blog and the Facebook page for links to more excerpts. You will not be disappointed!

Monday 4 February 2013

Embrace the Small Victories; Being a Writer

Today I have experienced a couple of moments of pure egotistic pleasure and have embraced those moments. The first came when I was in a local town with my friend at lunchtime, and she wanted to visit the Waterstones bookstore. I never say no to an offer like that! Anyway, we wandered into the shop and I breathed in the delicious scent of all those beautiful books. Then I walked over to the paranormal fiction section and began searching for my favourite author, Laurell K Hamilton. She wasn't there! I was horrified!

But, what did I see instead? I saw a row of books neatly stacked, all with black covers and dark images to represent their respective paranormal stories. I saw books by Rachel Cain, Kelly Armstrong, and Kim Harrison, who I have read before and quite enjoyed. A huge grin spread across my face when I recognized the vibrant orange cover of a book entitled Love Hurts. And the author? Me, of course! There I was, nestled in amongst the New York Times best sellers and authors who had shaped my literary life during my early twenties. Cool!

OK, so it was only a small store, in a small town in the North of England. And the reason for my book sitting on that shelf was because I did a book signing event to promote it when it was first published. Still, my book is in that store, and will one day be purchased by an eager new reader. I find that thought very encouraging, very exciting and a little nerve wracking. But generally, I am just happy to see my books featured on the shelves of a national bookshop chain. And one day, they will be in the window displays, and stacked up by the door, as the world realizes how valuable and exciting the Redcliffe novels really are!

Sunday 3 February 2013

Valentines Day Vampire Bite Blog Hop

One of my New Year's resolutions was to get involved in some blog hops with both my author blog, and my personal one. I have thrown myself into the challenge by opening up my blog for guest appearances by fellow authors (message me if you would like a spot), and now I have joined my first blog hop. I will be writing about my favourite subject on Valentine's Day, and the very romantic topic is, of course, vampires!

I am currently considering my options, and wondering which angle to take for my blog post. I am thinking it is a good time to tie in with the upcoming release of my third Redcliffe novel, Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). And, in the spirit of love and romance for Valentine's Day, I think it might be nice to share some background information about my favourite vampire, the incredibly gorgeous, moody and complicated Detective Jack Mason, lover and soulmate to our witch heroine, Jessica Stone.

If you would like a preview of the vampires of Redcliffe, Cornwall, hop over to Wattpad now, where you can read the entire first novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), free. It is online for a limited time only as I promote the series that also includes Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel) and Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). Have a read, and tell me what you think...