Wednesday 22 May 2013

The Vampire of Blackpool #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Well, things are developing very quickly indeed all of a sudden, and today I share with you another excerpt from my rough first draft of The Vampire of Blackpool that was written for NaNoWriMo 2012. The manuscript has been requested for consideration by a publisher I contacted for a different project. So, who knows, there could be a few new releases this year…

“Meredith!” she called, hurrying over to me, “You came!”
She held a glass of wine in one hand and a small clutch bag tucked under her other arm.  I stood still as she approached, careful to keep my expression blank.  She faltered a little as she realised I was not so excited about her presence.
“Are you alright?” she asked uncertainly, “You look pale.”
I had to smile at her sweet naivety, and she tried not to gasp as she saw my fangs exposed.
“I am hungry,” I replied, “I have not yet found suitable food.”
“Oh,” she said quietly, glancing around her, “Where do you usually, um, find food?”
I simply stared at her, allowing my eyes to glow silver.  She caught her breath, momentarily struggling with her desire to appease me, and her as yet stronger urge to repel me using her magic.  I sensed the landlord approaching us before he spoke.
“You know the rules, Meredith,” Paul said levelly, “No feeding in my pub.  Take it outside.”

This was a snippet of conversation between the vampire protagonist Meredith Hanson, and her new friend and potential lover Samantha Morris. Now, why not check out some more Hump Day Hook excerpts over on our blog? Or you can join us on Facebook. Happy Humping!

*Image courtesy of Pinterest

Monday 20 May 2013

A Snow Tiger Animal Familiar? Only in Redcliffe!

I am very proud of my adult paranormal romance series the Redcliffe novels, and that pride is compounded by the wonderful support and positive feedback I am receiving from friends and family who read my books. Of course, I want the books to reach people all over the world, but since I am an Indie author, I do what I can with a minimal advertising campaign and a busy domestic life to juggle.

One of my friends recently shared an image on my Facebook fan page that has made me smile, and also left me a little in awe. I did not want to share too much information about a character who makes her first appearance in the second novel, Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel). She is a complete character, but she is not totally physical, which makes her something of an enigma I suppose. Her name is Suri, and she is the animal familiar, or power animal spirit, of our protagonist Jessica Stone.

I had never planned to include an animal familiar in the Redcliffe novels. Actually, I was not aware that Jessica was a witch until the story began to unfold at my fingertips. The whole process of writing the first three novels has been a wild and exhilarating ride, and I cannot give up the seaside town of Redcliffe just yet. There will certainly be a book 4 in the series, but I admit I have not yet begun to write it.

I have a few distractions (like being heavily pregnant) at the moment. No matter, I will get the job done, and I will not leave my adoring fans waiting for too long. They care about Redcliffe just as much as me, and for that I am eternally grateful and very very happy!

Saturday 18 May 2013

A New Writing Challenge #15kinMay

I am still battling with the manuscript for my vampire hunter novel, although a quick glance back through my recent chapters suggests it might not be as bad as I thought. I have decided to use a very loose approach to writing this story, and am simply sitting down whenever I have time, and writing a chapter here and there. I have no idea what comes next, and I still don't know how this story will end, but it will end and I will succeed!

It helps me to read the blogs of fellow writers for advice and support. One of these is Alison Wells, author of Housewife with a Half-Life. She recently wrote a very inspiring post about how we are always intent on hurrying and speeding towards culmination of our projects. Society has evolved in such a way that we continually feel the need to better ourselves, to be successful, and to prove our worth in some physical (and usually fiscal) way. At my time in life this is more difficult to achieve, since I am currently in the young parent stage. I have a toddler for whom I am the main carer while my husband works outside the home, and I am pregnant with our second child. Naturally, there are many distractions on my time and attention.

As it turns out, Alison mentioned the #15kinMay writing challenge currently trending on Twitter. The idea for this one is that we set ourselves a target to write 15,000 words in May, and we can tweet our progress each day and support each other as we go. I admit, I haven't really participated on-line just yet, but I have decided to use it as another tool for motivation. Surely I can manage to write 15,000 words between now and the end of the month? Well, truthfully my challenge is under-way  so I probably only need to write another 10,000 words which is easily achievable.

What are you working on at the moment? Do you have writers block or struggle with your WIP? Share your news and let us support each other.

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Tuesday 14 May 2013

The Vampire Hunter #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. I have decided to share an excerpt from my current work in progress, a novel with a very vague title at the moment. In fact, the whole story is quite vague. For some strange reason my Muse has deserted me, but I am determined not to give up on this one! Here is a sample from the beginning of the novel, and the protagonist of this story is Dr Jennifer Worthington, The Vampire Hunter.

           Her history professor, Dr Kate Morrigan, had tried to warn Jennifer.  She had managed to accidentally disturb the young couple many times before their fateful first kiss.  Of course, she failed in her attempts.  Jennifer had pursued Matthew with a vigour that frightened her.  She had never chased a boy before.  Then again, she had never met a boy like Matthew.  He was romantic, passionate, and he seemed to know a lot about the Tudor family that she was so fascinated by.  Sometimes he spoke as though he knew them personally, telling stories of life at court as though they were memories.  When Jennifer finally found out that he was a vampire, it all fell into place.  He had known the Tudors.  He was ancient.  Matthew Ancory was a very old man in a very young body, and he had tried to turn Jennifer into a vampire to be with him.  Fortunately for her, Dr Morrigan had intervened at the right time, armed with a crossbow and wooden stakes.  The vampire had escaped, but Jennifer’s life changed forever. 

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping! 

*Vampire hunter image courtesy of Pinterest 

More Business Networking and Book Launch News!

Phew! It has been another crazy weekend and a running start to the week. Yesterday I attended a local business networking event which proved extremely fruitful. I met some new people, caught up with some that I had met previously, and sampled the coffee at our new local Starbucks cafe, delicious! Anyway, this update will be short and sweet because I am dashing out in a minute to attend Rhymetime at our local library with my daughter, a weekly social gathering that we enjoy immensely.

My book launch news is that I have been offered space at another business networking event that takes place on 28th June in Nantwich, Cheshire. I will be at the event, one month before the due date for my baby,  and I will officially introduce the Redcliffe novels complete trilogy to an eager audience. If you are in the area why not come along and say hello? There will be lots of exciting people to meet, and also an exhibition of jewellery from the fabulous Stella and Dot. See you there!

Sunday 12 May 2013

The 'Love Kills' Radio Show on Cauldron FM

I am a little bit behind here, but have only just found time to sit and listen to the Love Kills radio show on Cauldron FM. Oops! In my defence I have been busy writing, caring for my toddler, and nurturing a growing baby in my belly…

Merlin was kind enough to feature my second Redcliffe novel on his show, and he also included an interesting feature about the nature of animal familiars and witchcraft in history and folklore. Check it out!

Don’t forget I have since released the third Redcliffe novel, Love Redeems, and if you read the series, you will begin to understand why witchcraft and the witch’s familiar are so important…

Friday 10 May 2013

The Business of Professional Writing

Looking through the window I can see a dark, overcast day in May. Typical British weather! You can barely see through the glass because it is obscured with fat, glistening raindrops. Every so often the sun will appear as if by magic, temporarily transforming the raindrops into brilliant kaleidoscopes of colour. Just as suddenly, it disappears, to be replaced by black clouds that proceed to pour forth more heavy moisture onto the soaking pavements and sodden gardens in our town.

My attention returns to the room in which I sit. I am an observer. The people in this room are far too important to notice me, perched high up on the wall. I found a comfortable seat on top of a picture. It is a standard office decoration, a framed certificate for some obscure qualification received by the company. What do they do again? Ah, yes, they offer professional writing services to the UK and beyond. From this office building the bosses spin a web all around the world, via the Internet, gathering together a top team of freelance writers to provide high quality content for their clients. The energy is fast paced, making the most of an emerging market primed for development.

“Alright then, people,” announces a man dressed in black suit trousers and a grey pinstripe dress shirt with no tie. He looks fairly young, maybe around 35, and he has black hair and dark eyes, with a complexion that is tanned, suggesting that he has been either on a tropical holiday recently, or he enjoys tanning salons in his spare time.

“Let’s get down to business,” says the man, sitting down at the head of a highly polished wooden table. He sets down a white mug of coffee just collected from the pot on a side table near the door. The rich aroma wafts around the boardroom, warm and comforting. There are three other people in the room with him; two women and one man. They all look of a similar age, mid to late thirties, all dressed in a kind of contemporary office uniform: not quite formal but still smart and well presented. The table is strewn with notepads, Ipads, mobile phones and a couple of folders containing documents necessary for the meeting.

“We need a tagline,” the boss informs his staff members, “Something edgy, sharp, and effective that will tell people exactly what we are about here at Wait.”

Everyone nods and murmurs their agreement. Apparently they already have some ideas to present. One of the women clears her throat and begins the discussion.

“How about this?” she says, “We offer quick, concise and top quality content writing for your website, business documents and professional portfolio.”

The man pulls a face while the other occupants of the room nod and wait for his reaction. He nods his head very slightly, not quite ready to offer praise, but not totally disappointed with the woman’s efforts.

“Good,” he says, “But I’m sure we can do better. What do we stand for as a company? What is it that we present to our clients? Quality, yes. Professionalism. Swift, reliable and efficient return on projects. Close attention to detail, and a deep knowledge of SEO, web content writing and copy editing for all business needs. Now, what else have you got?”

They all begin talking together, throwing around random phrases and trying out words that might sound sharp when read out from a computer. I grow bored of listening. I am hungry. Spreading my wings, I leap off the picture frame and move toward the plate of pastries sitting beside the coffee pot. I impact with a clear glass dome, rebound backwards with a start, and sit for a moment on the table, stunned. Then I shakily take flight, seeking an exit from this now oppressive room. I leave the business executives to their meeting. I have other priorities to attend to.

*Image courtesy of Pinterest