Thursday 3 May 2018

Stepping Stones by Elizabeth Morgan #romance #love


There's nothing like a wedding to bring the family together....

If not for her baby sister’s impending marriage, Margaret West would never return home. But after six long years, she finds herself a maid of honour who must answer to the people she left behind.

If her parents’ interrogation doesn’t drive her to drink, facing her foster brother, Adrian, just might. To make matters worse, her ex-fiancĂ© is the vicar who will conduct her sister’s ceremony.

Everyone demands to know why she ran off. But the more time she spends at home, the more Margaret realizes even she doesn’t know the real reason.

Buy links:

Also available in print from Amazon and Barnes & Noble!

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“When is Aidy getting here?” Jessica grabbed the large bowl of scrambled eggs and brought it closer to her plate.
“I think his flight is due in at three.” My mother placed a dish of bacon on the table and took a seat beside me. “He will be in time for the wedding rehearsal; don’t worry.”
My stomach clenched. “Wedding rehearsal?” I coughed, trying to clear the chunk of toast lodged in my throat. “What wedding rehearsal?”
“Today at four. We’re running through the service.” Jess scooped egg onto her plate. “I told you.”
Nervous laughter bubbled in my throat, and try as I may, I couldn’t stop shaking my head. “No.” I patted my chest. “No, you never mentioned a rehearsal.”
“Oh.” She placed the bowl back in the middle of the table. “I could have sworn I did.”
“Nope, you didn’t. Believe me, I would have remembered otherwise.” I grabbed my mug and knocked the coffee back before finishing my piece of toast.
“Well, it’s no big deal.” Edward took the bowl of eggs and helped himself.
“Just a quick run-through.”
“Will everyone be there?” Forcing a smile on my face, I looked up at them both, hoping like hell my question would pass as innocent and genuine curiosity.
“Anyone who is involved in the wedding itself will be.”
Great. So that meant Jessica, Edward, the parents, and the bridesmaids, plus me. Plus Adrian and…. “Will Vicar Taylor be there?”
Oh, God, did my voice just go higher?
“Yes, Margaret, William will be there. He is the one who is marrying Jessie and Edward, so he needs to be there.” My father skewered some bacon and tomatoes onto his fork.
Grimacing, I reached out and grabbed another piece of toast. “Just a question, Pa.”
A stupid one, but a question, nevertheless…
“It is normal for people to have wedding rehearsals, Margaret. Just because you—”
Jess picked up the coffeepot. “Does anyone want more coffee?”
I straightened, my focus fixed on Pa. “I’m aware.”
My father’s shoulders went rigid. He lifted his head, and our gazes locked. I didn’t miss the way the muscle in the side of his neck ticked. Arguing with my father in front of Jessica and Edward was not an option, so I looked away.
“Please.” I held out my mug, and Jess poured the dark liquid.
I could kick myself. A wedding rehearsal hadn’t even crossed my mind. Having to stand at the altar before William on the actual wedding day would be hard enough, but having to do it twice…my stomach churned.
“So, will Adrian come straight to the church?” Edward cut the awkward silence.
“Yes. He will get a taxi to the church, and then we will bring him and his luggage back here.” My mother held her mug out to Jess.
“Adrian is staying here? Tonight?” I added sugar to my coffee. “Won’t it be crowded? I thought—”
“No more crowded than it was in your childhood.” My father took a bite of his toast.
More and more good news. Of course he would be staying here; it was his family home, after all. I guess it was stupid of me to hope he would go to a B&B, but my parents wouldn’t have allowed it even if he’d suggested it. I hadn’t seen him in six years, hadn’t spoken to him. And yet, in a couple of hours, I would be locked in the same house with him.

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About the Author:

Elizabeth Morgan is a multi-published author of urban fantasy, paranormal, erotic horror, f/f, and contemporary; all with a degree of romance, a dose of action and a hit of sarcasm, sizzle or blood, but you can be sure that no matter what the genre, Elizabeth always manages to give a unique and often humorous spin to her stories.

Like her tagline says; A pick ‘n’ mix genre author. “I’m not greedy. I just like variety.”

And that she does, so look out for more information on her upcoming releases at her website:

Away from the computer, Elizabeth can be found in the garden trying hard not to kill her plants, dancing around her little cottage with the radio on while she cleans, watching movies or good television programmes – Dr Who? Atlantis? The Musketeers? Poldark? American Horror Story? Heck, yes! – Or curled up with her two cats reading a book.

Where to find Elizabeth Online:

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Stepping Stones re-release also marks my final title being reclaimed and self-published. Yes, that's right; I am officially, 100% a self-published Author and loving it.

So to celebrate I'm giving two lucky readers the chance to win all 8 of my titles in ebook format. That's right you can win an ebook copy of each of my following titles and yes, that includes today’s re-release;

Stepping Stones

Razel Dazzle


On the Rocks

Truth or Dare?

All 3 books in The Blood Series;

Cranberry Blood

Blood Secrets

All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning these titles is leave some entries on the below rafflecopter. Yes, it's that simple. Thank you in advance and Good Luck!

Or link:

Monday 30 April 2018

*LAST CHANCE!* April Book Blast #ASMSG #freebooks

Today is your LAST CHANCE to get your free books in the AprilBook Blast brought to you by FantasiaBook World. You can download over 85 romance eBooks in all sub genres, so go ahead, discover your new book boyfriend (or girlfriend!)

Don’t forget to find me on social media:

My novels are adult paranormal with equal amounts of dark romance and contemporary English Gothic. Sign up now for special offers and book release news.

Thursday 26 April 2018

Guest Author Ron C Nieto

Grab yourself a high-octane paranormal romance
Ron writes paranormal and urban fantasy, and myth and folklore is her favorite sandbox. She loves taking an old tale and giving it a new spin, and her latest project is an action-packed adventure full of romance and magic based on Irish myth! Here’s a look at the cover and a peek at the blurb:

They say power makes monsters out of men, so what will an ancient artifact of near-absolute power make of a monster?
The race is on for Aisling. With her place within the Fianna in question, she must enlist the help of Ancient History professor Ronan O’Neill to make sure that the Spear of Lugh, one of the four Irish Treasures and reputed to grant victory to whichever side wields it in battle, doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. She just never thought that there would be so many “wrong hands” vying for it, or that the professor she had started to feel attracted to would have quite such a big secret to hide…
Want to join this couple with mad chemistry in the ride of a lifetime? Then click over to join the team. You can get your copy early, access exclusive extra content, get the audiobook at a special price… Don’t miss it!

Monday 23 April 2018

*Ending Soon!* Spring Fling Romance Giveaway

The month is flying by, and time is running out for the April Spring Fling Romance Novel Giveaway. Be sure to download your FREE copy of my contemporary Urban Fantasy novel, Return of the Vampire Hunter, and a whole range of other romance novels, including contemporary romance, sweet romance, supernatural romance and many more.

Don’t forget to find me on social media:
My novels are adult paranormal with equal amounts of dark romance and contemporary English Gothic. Sign up now for special offers and book release news.

Monday 16 April 2018

Hiding in my Box Fort

There is a box fort in my dining room. I am serious! We are accumulating a rather impressive pile of boxes displaying an array of company logos. They are a mixture of our previous home deliveries, and boxes that my husband brought home from work. And why do we need these boxes? Take a wild guess… you are correct! We are moving to a new house!

Needless to say, my work routine will be a little chaotic during the next month or so. We don’t yet have a fixed date for moving, indeed we are still in the throes of surveys, official land tests, and all the other important documents that our solicitors need to produce and mull over. But we finally have a “sold” sign outside our house, and our new home is ready and waiting. I am so excited. It has taken me five years to reach this point (my husband doesn’t like change), and I will be very happy to be in a bigger home, with more space, and the possibility of creating my very own garden office at some point in the future. Have a great week, my friends!

Don’t forget to find me on social media:

My novels are adult paranormal with equal amounts of dark romance and contemporary English Gothic. Sign up now for special offers and book release news.

Monday 9 April 2018

April Book Blast #ASMSG #freebooks

I have more book freebies to reveal today! Here is the April Book Blast brought to you by Fantasia Book World. You can download over 85 romance eBooks in all sub genres, so go ahead, discover your new book boyfriend (or girlfriend!)

Don’t forget to find me on social media:

My novels are adult paranormal with equal amounts of dark romance and contemporary English Gothic. Sign up now for special offers and book release news.

Friday 6 April 2018

Demons, Vampires and Witches – oh my! #freebooks #PNR

Are you looking for something supernatural to whet your appetite this weekend? Then check out this selection of urban fantasy, paranormal and spooky novels that are available to download for FREE until 15th April… enjoy!

Don’t forget to find me on social media:
My novels are adult paranormal with equal amounts of dark romance and contemporary English Gothic. Sign up now for special offers and book release news.