Tuesday 14 July 2015

How Do You Write? New Ways vs. Old Ways #amwriting

It occurred to me earlier today that we are now in a very fortunate position when it comes to writing. I mean, aside from the ability to read and write, we have many opportunities to display our work. We can use traditional methods like pencils and paper (or pens and notebooks), we can type our manuscript onto an old-fashioned typewriter for the authentic, romantic writer appeal. Or we can use a modern desktop computer, complete with all sorts of fancy word processors and digital tools to aid in the presentation and performance of our piece.

And then there are mobile phones and tablet computers. These are something that I am still getting to grips with. I still do all of my ‘important’ work on a laptop computer, which to me is pretty far advanced, because we still used a very bulky desktop computer system up until a couple of  years ago. I got my laptop when I made the decision to become a full-time writer. It was something of a prop, I suppose. I had a typewriter when I was a child, and I still vividly remember the joy of sitting down and typing out reams of words, even though back then I was probably still copying pages from books and comics.

This weekend I upgraded my mobile phone. I had already ventured into smartphone territory two years ago, but I spent most of that time learning how to use social networks, and taking photos and videos of my children. It was only this weekend, when I was downloading apps onto my new phone, that I began to explore the possibilities for writing on the go. I know that we can get apps for Blogger and Wordpress. I have looked at them, but am reluctant to try writing and posting via the apps. It doesn’t feel right, somehow. To me the process of writing is a considered and careful activity.

When I sit at the table with my laptop, I mentally prepare myself to write. When I pick up my smartphone, I am usually scanning social media updates as I walk around the house or waiting for food to cook. But maybe I could look at utilizing some of these digital tools. I already backup my documents to the Cloud, and I find it useful to read manuscripts on my Kindle during the editing process. I have used my smartphone for keeping notes before now, because sometimes inspiration will hit when I don’t have a pen and paper to hand. And, it is easier to type a quick message on a mobile phone when you are a passenger in a moving car, or out walking the dog, for example.

So you see, there are many ways we can prepare for our writing. Again, this is a double edged sword, because sometimes I become so engrossed in setting myself up for a writing session, that invariably I run out of time to actually write. These modern apps and digital tools can be both a blessing and a curse to the creative mind. How do you work? What is your preferred method for planning, writing and creating? Please, do share your thoughts and suggestions…

*Vintage typewriter image found on Ebay; Writing apps image from Appadvice

Saturday 11 July 2015

Join the #RecordBreakers Summer Reading Challenge at your Local Library

One thing I find about our libraries is that they do a lot to support and encourage children to read and revere books. I mean, it was Cheadle library in Staffordshire that set me on my path all those years ago, back in the 1980s and 90s… Those were the days when I would take out six books every weekend and read them voraciously as soon as I got home. The process of choosing the books was wonderful. My Mum encouraged me to take my time, read every title, and sample a few pages here and there. She was very patient, which is more than I can say for my younger brother (he is not a reader!)

Anyway, now I have the pleasure of taking my own children to the library, and both my girls are voracious book lovers, just like their mother. Neither of them can read properly yet, both being preschoolers, but they recognise shapes of letters, and my elder daughter can read and write her own name, and can recognise most letters of the alphabet. Last year we signed up for the Mythical Maze reading challenge, which we completed, and my daughter was rewarded with a certificate and a medal. Once again we have signed our pledge, and this year we included the youngest, who isn’t quite 2, but enjoys her books.

Do you want to be a part of the #RecordBreakers Summer Reading Challenge? Get down to your local library and sign up. Most libraries have their own Facebook pages and Twitter feeds now, so really you have no excuse. Let’s see how many more horizons we can broaden in the literary world…

Monday 6 July 2015

*FREE BOOK!* Special Summer Offer - The Darkness of Love

That's right folks, you can now obtain your FREE copy of The Darkness of Love, for a limited time only. It is available in most digital formats, including Kindle, Adobe Acrobat, and Epub. Get over to the All Romance Ebooks website and take advantage of this most generous offer... and don't forget to leave your review afterwards! Enjoy...

Friday 3 July 2015

Settling in at #CampNaNoWriMo

The sun is shining as we enjoy day 4 of the Great British summer heatwave. I’m not so good in hot weather. My skin is white, and will often turn bright red even beneath layers of factor 50 sun cream. I have auburn hair and lots of freckles (more so during summer). You will usually find me sitting in the shade, a thin shawl draped across my shoulders, my floppy hat pulled low over my sunglasses, book in hand. Or at least, you used to, before I had children. Nowadays you will find me throwing small people into a paddling pool at high speed. They love it!

But back to Camp. My eldest daughter is at preschool. My youngest is having quiet time in bed. She is suffering with the extreme temperatures as well, although neither girl has inherited my hair colouring. I’m enjoying a light lunch, pottering around my virtual cabin, mentally preparing myself for day 3 of #CampNaNoWriMo. I’m off to a good start. So far my vampire protagonist has set the scene. He will not yet reveal his name, however. He likes to play games with people, and he despises humans. Apparently we are only a food source, nothing more. He has communicated that he is bored, and now a lone vampire hunter has come after him. He plans to play with her, to alleviate the tedium of his existence. She, however, has other plans…

Yes, the creative juices are beginning to flow. It is time to grab my laptop, take a glass of fizzy pop, and find a space in the virtual forest, where I can sit uninterrupted and write. I’ve got the sun cream on. My floppy hat is waiting, along with my trusty sunglasses. Let us wander off into the wilderness, and find a suitable spot… ah, over there, underneath that huge, old oak tree. I can lean against its sturdy trunk, balance the laptop on my crossed legs, and lose myself in the story… see you later!

Sunday 28 June 2015

Guest Author Olga Núñez Miret introduces #AngelicBusiness

Hi all:

First of all thank you very much for taking part in my Blog Tour for Angelic Business 1. Pink Matters. Reader, don't worry, I'm not here forever, just twisting the arm of your favourite blogger and borrowing a bit of space.

My name is Olga Núñez Miret and I’m a writer, translator, reader, psychiatrist, I love movies, plays, fitness, owls and recently have taken up meditation (mindfulness). (I thought I might as well summarise and not take too much of your time). I'll leave you some links at the end just in case you want to find out even more about me (I'm not sure I'd recommend it, but hey…do your worst!).

I've been writing since I was quite young and I write in whatever style the story I have in my head wants to be written in. So far literary fiction, romance, YA, thriller…and a few unfinished works.

Around five years ago I discovered and read quite a few interesting Young Adult books and had an idea for what I thought could be a series. At the time I wrote the first of the novels and after trying to find an agent or a traditional publisher without much success, I started self-publishing, but decided to publish some of my other books first. Since then I've published 12 books (6 original books and their translations, as I write in English and Spanish).

I kept thinking about Angelic Business and a few months later wrote the second novel in the series: Shapes of Greg. (No, nothing to do with…)

And last year, as part of NaNoWriMo I wrote the third novel in the series, Pink, Angel or Demon?

As I had written the three, I thought I'd publish them pretty close to each other so people wouldn’t have to wait to know what happened next (at least not too much).

The three books in the Angelic Business collection are now available for pre-order at the special price of $0.99 each. It’s a bargain price and they'll go up shortly after publication.

Don’t worry. My writing is better than my video-creating skills, but as I’d been taking all those pictures of angels, I thought I might as well.

You are Pink, not the prettiest girl, but smart and with plenty of resources. What do you do when your best male friend offers to have sex with you, because he thinks you’re a lost cause? You plot your revenge with your two best female friends, of course!

It seems you're in luck when a new and mysterious student appears. And, to top it all, he seems interested in you too. He could take part in the plan. But then, he seems to have a plan of his own… He insists he’s not just an ordinary boy. And what seemed so easy to begin with, gets more and more complicated when Heaven and Hell come knocking at Pink’s door.

Pink Matters is the story of Pink, a 17 year old girl, good student, articulate and smart. What she has never been the centre of attention or made the top ten of the most popular and attractive girls at school. When two guys, both claiming to be angels, insist that she is, indeed, ‘special’, fight for her attention and help and tell her she is the key to the future of the universe, she can't help but ask: Why me?


            “Who are you?” Lorna asked. Before she could say anything else, she froze as if paralysed. And the same happened to Sylvia.
             “Oh no, not again” I said.
             “Hi Pink. I’m Azrael. I’m…”
             “Let me guess...You’re an angel.”
              I could say he smiled but it was more like a white light radiating from between his lips. His voice also seemed slightly “otherworldly”. He was nothing like G. Flesh and blood didn’t seem to be his priority.
             “Yes. I am.”
             “O...K....And...to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit? If you are going to make an announcement of some sort...I could have done with some notice.”
              The light now seemed to radiate from his whole “body” if that was what it was. Somehow his show was much more believable than G’s. And scarier.
              “It’s not an announcement as such. But you should know...G...”
              “I know he told you he’s an angel.”
              I looked at him. Maybe he was different to G but he could be as annoying as him. And interfering.
              “Yes. I also “know” things...In my case it is because “I” am an angel. He has not been truthful about his identity.”


Pink Matters (Angelic Business book 1) - Available from Amazon 

In case you’re intrigued, I leave you the cover (reveal!) and links to the other two books:

What more could happen after the death and resurrection of your mother? What could Heaven and Hell toss at Pink to top that? Well, to start with, she gets a new hellish babysitter, who is seriously hot. And although everybody likes him, he only has eyes for her. When she learns what the price was for the ‘miracle’ of saving her mother, she realises that she must be careful, as Hell doesn't lose gracefully.

One of her friends wants to find the perfect man, the other one gets into a relationship she refuses to talk about, there’s a demon who doesn't know when to give up and an angel who seems to have his own agenda. What on Earth, Hell or Heaven is going on?

Shapes of Greg is available for pre-order and will be published on the 15th of July.

And last, but not least:

OK, OK, OK. Pink gets it. She’s the Elected, whether she likes it or no. Heaven and Hell are closing in, and their envois are closer home than ever. So close she can’t ignore them. And she’ll do everything but.

However long she has, she’s determined to make it count. She'll sort her friends out, she'll help her family and, she'll live a bit. And then, she'll take charge. Because no one will say that Pink went down without a fight. However big and bad the enemy.

Gender benders, romances, old loves that come to fruition, new challenges, divine interventions, tears, laughter and magic. All of that and more. Because, if you're gonna go, you might as well go with a bang.

Pink, Angel or Demon? is available for pre-order and will be published on the 30th July.

You can find me in the following places:

Author Website - http://www.OlgaNM.com

On Twitter - @OlgaNM7

My blog is: http://OlgaNM.wordpress.com

I also have a Facebook author page - http://www.facebook.com/OlgaNunezMiret

On Amazon: http://amzn.to/XLnZTo

I am also on Goodreads; Google+; Pinterest (Don't miss my board about angels); Wattpad

Thanks so much for allowing me to visit and post, thanks so much for reading, and as I always tell them in my blog, if you’ve found it interesting, like, share, comment and CLICK! Oh, and I love reblogs! Ah, and thanks to Lourdes Vidal for her covers.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

I Need a Writing Retreat… Hello #CampNaNoWriMo!

My writing has not been forthcoming of late. It is all my own fault. I have allowed myself to stray from the path. I have become too easily distracted by domestic activities, holidays, social events and the like. At the moment the only writing I manage to do on a regular basis is for my blogs, and even that is becoming sketchy during recent weeks. Life is getting in the way, as the old saying goes. I need a break. I need… #CampNaNoWriMo.

My main problem with writing is that I flutter about and do not immerse myself fully in my work at the moment. It was easier when I was writing the first three installments of the Redcliffe novels. Back then I would put my daughter to bed at night and settle down for three-five hours of solid writing. And it was brilliant. I thrived on it. The story burst forth from my mind, the characters leaped onto the page, and my Muse was alive and vibrant. And then something happened. It was around the time I became pregnant with my second child. My Muse went on strike. And she has not yet properly returned.

I have had flashes of inspiration, but nothing that gives me the incentive to sit down at my computer and just write. I have had a couple of evenings where I managed an hour here and there. I have a couple of completed manuscripts that need further editing so that I can send them to publishers. I also have a complete edited novel that has so far not been snapped up by a publisher or agent. I cannot imagine why. Who wouldn’t want to publish a novel called The Vampire of Blackpool?

Anyway, I am fed up with my procrastinating. I need to write. I need to write properly. And for that I need deadlines, encouragement, a sense of purpose. And here comes #CampNaNoWriMo. Perfect! For the whole month of July I can immerse myself in a virtual log cabin in the wilderness of the wild and distant Internet, and I can write my story, whatever that may be. I think this one is about a lone vampire lurking beneath the streets in Manchester. I am not sure. I will ask my Muse for help. Perhaps she will be coaxed out by the promise of a hot chocolate with marshmallows… Who is with me? See you later, campers!

Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Thursday 18 June 2015

The Redcliffe Novels: Magical Reality in Cornwall #summerholidays

Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) is the first in a trilogy of novels set in Cornwall. In the first book we meet Jessica Stone, just your average single woman, running her business and enjoying the seaside town she calls home. Her life begins to unravel when she falls in love with a sexy police detective, Jack Mason, and meets his identical twin brother, Danny. Here is an excerpt, following a visit from an enemy of the brothers:

“She is connected to the job in Scotland; they both are.” he said, “I’m sorry Jessica; it looks like we have inadvertently drawn you into our mess.  I need to find Jack and go sort this out.  Please promise me you will stay home, don’t answer the door unless you know who it is, and phone Jack or me if you get worried about anything, no matter how small or trivial.  Will you do that?”
He grabbed my shoulders, staring directly into my eyes, and I gasped, shocked at his forcefulness.  I nodded, feeling sick with nerves.  
“Yes of course.” I said, “Am I in danger?  What about Liz?”  
He relaxed slightly and eased his grip on me.   
“Liz will be fine,” he said, “she is of no concern to them.  But they seem to have found out about you and your relationship with Jack and me.  You don’t need to be overly concerned just yet; hopefully we can settle this tonight.  Please just stay home and keep all your doors locked and your mobile phone handy, ok?”  
I nodded and Danny left, saying he would call Jack on the way.

Intriguing, yes? Ha ha! Well, following this you can read Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel), where we follow Jessica as she comes to terms with the revelations about her lover and his brother. She also begins to discover her own long-buried secrets and abilities. And then, in the third book, Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel), the tables are turned. Our young heroine reveals her darker side, with disastrous consequences:

“Are they alright, Danny?” I asked tentatively.
Danny turned his head slowly to stare at me.  My heart skipped a beat and thudded painfully in my chest.  I swallowed again, forcing myself to hold his gaze and not back down.
“They need to hunt,” Danny said gruffly, “The power hit them hard.  They lost control and their beasts awoke early.  It leaves them in pain and disoriented.  They need their master for support and grounding.”
“Oh.” Was all I managed to say in reply.
Danny shook his head.
“I cannot deal with you at present, Jessica,” he said, “We will speak later.  I must go.”


You have a nice summer holiday! And if you happen to visit Cornwall, be alert for any unusual characters.

Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Sunday 7 June 2015

Enjoy a Victorian Love Affair for your #summerholidays

Have you packed your suitcase yet? Perhaps you are suddenly realising that summer has finally arrived here in the UK, and you are just now beginning to plan your excursions and holidays for the warm, sunny days ahead. One essential item for every busy worker taking a break from it all, is a good book (or several) to read on the beach, or in the forest, or wherever you choose to spend your quiet time. Which leads me to ask…

Have you met Marcus Scott? He is a millionaire playboy who first appears in Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), leaving a trail of chaos and confusion in his wake. He was never meant to be such an powerful character. But he is very persuasive, especially when he turns on the charm and fixes that icy blue gaze on me… *swoon*


You can find out more about Marcus Scott in the Redcliffe novels, a contemporary adult paranormal romance series set in Cornwall. And you can read the story of his human life in The Darkness of Love, set on a Victorian country estate in Hampshire. He also features in my spin-off short story, Christmas With the Vampires (yes, I know, totally out of season). Happy holidays!

Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Writing is Essential to my Daily Routine

I write every day. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like it, and for several months now, I have been mentally beating myself up because I have no new short stories to publish, and all my novels in progress are awaiting further improvement and editing. I have been getting very irate with myself for not beginning any new projects. I mean, I have several notebooks full of story ideas, snippets of conversation, character descriptions, and more, and yet I fail to implement or utilize those ideas. Even my blogs are falling behind. I typically write two or three new blog posts each week on this blog, and on my personal blog site, SpookyMrsGreen. Again, I have plenty of ideas. My diary is filling up with titles and descriptions. I have rough blog posts saved on my computer.

And yet, somehow, I feel like I am not writing. Perhaps it is because I spend too much time comparing myself to other authors, who all seem to have their writing planned and in action. Everyone else is firing out their new novels and story anthologies. Why can’t I do the same? The answer is simple: I am writing. I am always writing, whether it is a plan formulating in my mind as I wash the dishes, hastily scribbled notes in my diary or notebook, or more serious sessions on my computer. It is just a little more scattered at present. But it will all come together eventually. I hope.

*Image found via WordzNerd Debz

Tuesday 26 May 2015

The Final Resting Place of Anne Bronte

I recently took time away from work (sort of), and spent a week in Scarborough with my family for a much-needed and overdue holiday. Everything about the place offers food for the imagination, and there is so much inspiration for writing that I should be kept busy for many months ahead, while I await the next holiday… As an added bonus, we happened upon the graveyard in which Anne Bronte is buried. The church looks to be a beautiful old building, although I didn’t have time to visit inside. I did, however, visit the graveyard, and what a fascinating place it is.

All of the gravestones are very heavily damaged by weather, and we could see the force of the salty rain that has battered these grand and gracious stones over the past two centuries or so. We could barely read the inscription on Anne Bronte’s headstone, which is why another memorial stone was laid in 2011, as you can see from my photographs. I admit that I have not yet read Anne Bronte’s most famous novel, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, but I do have a paperback copy on my bookshelf, and I have picked it up before now with the intention of reading it, only to be distracted by something else.

The ancient graveyard, with its dark and broken headstones, is very eerie, and very inspiring for the romantic mind. My impression of the Bronte sisters is that they were fairly carefree and cheerful ladies, and I enjoy their lively writing style. It was a great tragedy that Anne Bronte should die at such a young age, but it is clear to see that she succumbed to one of the many medical dangers of their time. I wonder how many wonderful novels died with her? And what she may have been working on at the time of her death? So many questions, so many possibilities…

Did you enjoy this article?  Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Monday 18 May 2015

Blood, Boobs and Carnage Blog Fest!

Hello and welcome to the Blood, Boobs and Carnage blog fest! I found this little party during the #AtoZChallenge, and it looked like fun so I signed up. And today I will use it to showcase my debut novel, Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel). Hey, someone has to talk about my amazing books, and you will enjoy them, I am sure.

How does a novel called Love Hurts relate to Blood, Boobs and Carnage, I hear you ask? I will tell you. It is the beginning of an adult paranormal romance series. I’m talking vampires, werewolves, witches and other supernatural creatures. So there is the blood. The boobs, well, my heroine, Jessica Stone, is just your average 20-something woman. She enjoys sex. And she especially enjoys having sex with her new boyfriend, who unbeknownst to her, is a vampire. Again with the blood.

And now to the carnage. Well, my vampires do not sparkle. They fight. They snarl. They feed on innocent humans. They battle each other, they battle other supernatural creatures, they fight for supremacy, power, control and just for the hell of it sometimes. But in the Redcliffe novels we find it is the werewolves that seem to cause most of the trouble. You see, Jessica’s boyfriend, Jack Mason, has an identical twin brother who just happens to be alpha of the Redcliffe werewolf pack. Danny Mason is impulsive, passionate, and dangerous. Carnage ensues when a rogue werewolf comes to town with the intention of killing Danny and taking control of his pack. His brother steps in to help, Jessica is caught up in the chaos, and all hell breaks loose.

I do hope this has captured your attention sufficiently to make you touch the ‘Buy Now’ button on your device… You won’t regret it! If you are keen to see more Blood, Boobs and Carnage, check out my fellow party goers. Have a nice day now!

*Brothers image courtesy of Phat Puppy Art Studios

Tuesday 12 May 2015

It is Time to Get my Act Together #amwriting

The past five years have been a whirlwind of chaos and confusion, excitement and drama for me and my family. During this time I quit my safe, full time office job in order to pursue my dream career, I got married, I got pregnant, and now I am a housewife with two young children. There was lots of other stuff as well, but I won’t bore you with the details. Suffice to say, I have been very busy.

Now, because of being busy in my domestic life, I have neglected to devote the proper time and attention to developing my writing career. There have been lots of ups and downs while I alternately celebrated my successes, and commiserated my failures. It is an endless cycle in the world of small business, and especially so when it comes to the modern world of book publishing and writing.

I envisioned a career where I could spend my days writing my stories, and where I could earn a comfortable income from book sales. This was a very naïve vision, as I now understand. I waded blindly into my new dream without assessing the situation, and I am not a natural  business person. But I am willing to learn. And I am always learning.

All the advice I receive tells me to set up a business as a writer of some sort, whether it be ghost writing, proofreading and editing, technical writing or similar. So I have tried it. I have drifted from one part time job to another during the past few years, and all have the same basic catch: they do not pay. Most internet based companies will try and persuade a new writer that they can build their portfolio by writing articles for free, or these companies pay an absolute pittance that does not constitute a living wage here in the Western world. I have done my work experience. My portfolio is healthy. Now my wallet needs to catch up.

I need to get my act together. I need to assess exactly what kind of writing I want to do for my career. My personal life is also a very big distraction. We cannot afford external childcare in order for me to go out to work (I know, crazy!). But we hope to send our toddler to preschool in September when her older sister starts primary school. Then, perhaps, I will find time to settle down and actually write all of the stories that I have scribbled in snippets in my notebooks. That is where my heart lies. That is my career dream. I cannot be an author if I do not continue to write (and publish) new stories. So I will knuckle down, stop being distracted, and write. I will!

Wednesday 6 May 2015

#AtoZChallenge 2015 - Was it Worth It?

We have reached the end. It has been almost a week since I completed the April A-Z Blogging Challenge for my third year running. I initially found the blog hop during my desperate and naive attempts to sell my newly published novels across social media platforms. As a young, inexperienced, ill-advised and yet very talented author, I am struggling to gain a foothold in the industry. I want to be an internationally famous bestselling author. I know that I have the skill with words, I have the talent to write, and I have the determination. What I don’t have is a marketing budget, the expertise on turning my work into a sustainable business, and the right contacts in the right places that can get me started.

Nevertheless, I blithely threw myself into the #AtoZChallenge, telling myself that it was a good way to build followers, raise awareness of my books, and who knows, maybe even sell a few to my blog readers. It has not yet reaped the rewards I might have expected. Most of my blog visitors are fellow authors in the same situation. We all have stories to tell, books to sell, and no means by which to break in to an industry dominated by stalwarts and professionals who have been working at it for longer than I have been on this planet. We have no chance. The big publishers will not give us the time of day. The agents are far too busy plowing through their slush piles, and will generally only take on TV celebrities or people that they are certain will sell because they are famous for other pursuits (I’m talking sports personalities and the like).

Anyway, in terms of selling books and growing my author platform, the #AtoZChallenge was, once again, a massive fail. And yet, I don’t feel like a failure. I feel very proud of myself. I took on the challenge to write a blog post every day for a whole month (with Sundays off), and I did it. My fiction writing has stalled a lot lately, because I decided to have children before my biological clock exploded. Writing for blogs has given me an outlet to rant, to let off steam, and even to play around with new ideas about my work. And actually I did make quite a big decision about my career direction while I was doing this year’s challenge. All for the better. So you see, it was worth it. It was a success. And I will do it again. See you soon!

Sunday 3 May 2015

Poldark with Fangs! #amreading The Redcliffe Novels

I am so excited! And it took just one new review for my debut novel, Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), to set me off. We writers are a sensitive breed. We thrive on compliments, much like the rest of the world, I suppose, but for me this has been the boost I needed after more ups and downs in the world of writing and marketing.
My latest 5 star review comes from a reader who took my novel on holiday. And now she wants more. Hooray! She called the story, "Poldark with Fangs," which I think is absolutely brilliant, and why didn't I think of that? I mean, I watched Poldark because of Aidan Turner, because I first discovered him as the vampire John Mitchell in Being Human that was shown on BBC3, and I fell head over heels in lust for the boy. In fact, I even pictured him as a candidate for Detective Jack Mason in an upcoming television series or film franchise... 
Hey, we thrive on dreams and possibilities! Anyway, I just wanted to share my excitement, and my dreams, and I hope that if you haven't picked up the Redcliffe novels yet, then it will encourage you to do so. Put it this way: if you love Aidan Turner, if you loved him in Poldark, if you love sexy, smoldering alpha males with strong female characters in a picturesque Cornwall location, you will not be disappointed. Thank you! 

Thursday 30 April 2015

#AtoZChallenge - The Spell is Complete. The Witch has found her safe Zone

We are here. We have survived. We have experienced the highs and lows of life on the English Riviera, and we will never be the same again. Imagine if you took a holiday (or a vacation) in Redcliffe, Cornwall, and you discovered the werewolf pack, and the vampires. Imagine if you saw the witch Jessica Stone in the throes of magical sorcery. You would be forever changed. Just like Jessica, when she fell in love with a vampire. It is alright for you and I. We have our homes far away from the madness. Jessica now lives in a danger Zone. And she is immersed far too deeply to even consider an escape.

I hope you have enjoyed our adventures over here on the #AtoZChallenge 2015. I hope that you are now eagerly devouring the first three Redcliffe novels, and that they exceed your expectations. Perhaps you would care to leave a review, and share the books with your friends? I would really appreciate it. My life is very lonely at present, with my supernatural family demanding attention, and no one to share them with (my children are preschoolers. I think they are a little young for the Redcliffe novels just yet!). Maybe you are familiar with the tourist places in Cornwall that inspired my location. I used a mixture of Looe and Polperro, because those are places that I visited a lot many years ago. I also threw in a bit of Newquay, just for good measure.

Jessica will rest for now. I have completed the first draft of book 4 in the Redcliffe series. Eye of the Tiger is proving to be the most dramatic adventure yet, but it is far from finished. No. I have decided that I will take time over this novel. I will use the techniques, advice and information that I have gleaned during the years since I published the previous novels, and then I will make this one the Best Damn Paranormal Romance this side of the Atlantic. Jessica is learning her witchcraft. I, too, am learning my craft. My work continues to evolve, and now I allow myself the luxury of indulgent language. I will even endeavour to include some native Cornish dialect at some point. I do include local characters, after all; mostly members of the Redcliffe werewolf pack. See you soon, my friends…

I hope you have enjoyed participating in the #AtoZChallenge 2015. You can see other participants and find new authors over on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. I am leaving now, to take a well-earned rest. And to catch up on some reading. And some writing… Toodle-oo!

*Image of Looe Harbour at sunset found on Pinterest

Wednesday 29 April 2015

#AtoZChallenge - Yield to the Wolf and the Tiger

It is interesting to see that as I progress through the Redcliffe novels, the call of the werewolves becomes ever louder and more demanding. The vampires seem to hide in the shadows, watching, waiting, and feeding. The wolves, however, are powerful, assertive creatures, who will stop at nothing to dominate whatever and whoever takes their fancy. So it seems for our hapless heroine, Jessica Stone, as she battles with her feelings towards the identical twin brother of her vampire lover, werewolf alpha Danny Mason. The Yowl of the werewolf is a haunting sound, one that draws you in, and calls to a deeper, primitive, animal instinct.

Jessica has not seen much of the werewolves actually in wolf form. When she does, it is usually in stressful situations, when they call forth their animal power to protect and defend their precious witch. At least, that is how she seems to the alpha wolf. His subordinates are not so welcoming. Danny Mason has connected with Jessica on a magical level. He refuses to give up on her, and he will pursue her relentlessly until she gives him what he wants. Her problems are further complicated by the call of her ethereal animal familiar, the snow tiger, Suri. She wants the alpha wolf as a plaything. The wolf and the tiger repeatedly howl, growl, and yowl their insistence to their witch. Their voices grow louder. Her resistance grows weaker.

What is a young witch to do? She has not long come into her powers. She is only just learning how to work spells, how to defend herself from enemies using magic, and how to celebrate the important seasonal festivals observed by her coven. Everything is distorted and confused. Jessica is absolutely certain that Jack Mason is her soulmate, even if he is a vampire. He loves her, and yet he is angry about what she has done. She feels the same way towards him. And always, creeping ever closer, is the alpha wolf, waiting for his chance to pounce. He will consume Jessica if she allows him. He will offer comfort, protection, support, and the greatest pleasure she has ever known. But what is his price? And what will happen if the wolf and the tiger come together in a cacophony of magical chaos?

If you are interested in seeing other participants for the #AtoZChallenge, check them out on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. Happy April!

*Wolf image courtesy of List25; Tiger image courtesy of 500px

Tuesday 28 April 2015

#AtoZChallenge - Sex is the ultimate eXperience

Well, the month has flown by, and now we are in the final days of the #AtoZChallenge. And you know what that means? The final, and probably trickiest, letters to write about. None more so than the subject of today’s post. I couldn’t find a word beginning with X to correlate with the Redcliffe novels, so I chose words containing this sharp letter instead. Today we talk about how sex is the ultimate eXperience in Redcliffe, and in the supernatural world.

Over here in the UK we like to think that we are an open minded and easy going nation. The funny thing is, when it comes to sex, we are so uptight it is laughable. Our media outlets overflow with cautionary tales of sexual exploitation, sex gone wrong, and basically tell us that sex is scary, dangerous, and we should avoid it at all costs. This all comes at the same time we are being coerced into embracing our sexual nature, flaunting our gorgeous bodies (especially the ladies, am I right?), and making ourselves available for procreation and the self fulfilling prophecy of a good old-fashioned family unit. But only in a safe environment. That is very important. Safety in numbers is essential in our society, except when it comes to sexual relations. Then, we are to trust in one other person completely, as we open ourselves up and reveal our most hidden, delicate, and sensitive traits.

Photo Credit Fanpop.com

It is little wonder, then, that our heroine in the Redcliffe novels finds herself conflicted when she falls in love with a vampire, and finds herself lusting after his identical twin brother who happens to be a werewolf. Jessica Stone is not inexperienced when it comes to sex. She is not particularly embarrassed about enjoying sex for fun. She is, however, stuck in the belief that a person should only ever have one sexual partner at any given time in their life. And they most certainly should not ever consider having sex with their boyfriend’s brother. Not even when magic, mystery, and supernatural power is involved. Jessica cannot take chances. She cannot give in to her sexual urges, even if the eXperience would leave her satisfied and fulfilled. Or can she?

If you are interested in seeing other participants for the #AtoZChallenge, check them out on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. Happy April!

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Monday 27 April 2015

#AtoZChallenge - Witchcraft makes the World go Round

I love a little play on words! And today, I will enjoy talking about Witchcraft. It is a subject that has always fascinated me. I used to dream about being a witch when I was a child. Not the fictional old hag, dressed in black and wearing a pointed hat. Oh no. My witches are beautiful, goddess-inspired women that exude power and confidence. Much like my ideal self image, I suppose… little did I know that witchcraft would become so important in the Redcliffe novels, back when I began to write about a human woman who fell in love with a vampire in Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel).

Jessica Stone didn’t know she was a witch until she discovered the supernatural secrets of her boyfriend and her friends in Redcliffe. All she knew about witchcraft was the stuff she read about in novels, and even then she wasn’t particularly interested. She is more of a chick-lit fan than anything else. But the truth is stranger than fiction (more play on words, ha ha!), as Jessica eventually began to find out. She explored the possibilities of her witchcraft in the second Redcliffe novel Love Kills, where she met her animal familiar in a very unexpected, and very passionate, encounter. In the third book, Love Redeems, she put her new-found powers of magic and mysticism to good use when she battled with a powerful vampire master.

Photo credit John William Waterhouse 
What exactly is witchcraft? It means different things to different people. Some people are terrified of it. They see nothing but danger and darkness, and believe that humans should not meddle with something so powerful and potentially destructive. Others see witchcraft as a natural element. I am one of these. I see witchcraft as an extension of life. We can use witchcraft to work with the powers of the natural world, to enhance our own experiences, and to create a reality that we would prefer. Therein lies the difficulty. If your intentions are of ill-will towards another person, for example, you risk unleashing powerful forces that you may struggle to control. A witch must exercise caution and observe respect for the power of nature at all times. Witchcraft can be whatever you want it to be. And that is a lesson just being explored by Jessica Stone in the Redcliffe novels.

If you are interested in seeing other participants for the #AtoZChallenge, check them out on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. Happy April!

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Saturday 25 April 2015

#AtoZChallenge - Fall in Love with the Redcliffe Vampires

Jessica Stone fell in love with a Vampire. She was a normal, happy human before she met detective Jack Mason. She never even considered the possibility that vampires and werewolves could be real and living in her home town. They were myths, stories, characters from the books that she sells in her shop. Jack hid his true nature, although there was always something a little off about him. Jessica was blinded by the strength of her love. She literally fell head over heels for this man, and it scared the hell out of her. She was a proud woman. Now she is a blubbering wreck, and she has the scars to prove it. Falling in love with a vampire is dangerous. It brings pain and suffering. It also brings the most exquisite ecstasy and power, and it was enough to awaken the witch within.

Jessica’s vampire lover is complicated. Jack Mason was turned by a former lover, a vampire who decided she would keep him for eternity. Emily Rose seduced him when his army unit marched across France and Switzerland during the Great War. Before he left town, she attacked. She turned Jack into a vampire, and then she lured a werewolf out of the woods to kill his identical twin brother, Danny. She never expected Danny to survive. She never expected him to become a werewolf. The brothers ran away, and continued to run and fight Emily Rose for decades after the event. She met Jessica in Redcliffe, and Jack became the trophy that each woman refused to surrender. Emily Rose tried to kill Jessica. She underestimated the strength of the young witch. It was a tough battle, and there were casualties. Jessica is recovering now, as I continue the story in book 4 of the Redcliffe series, Eye of the Tiger (A Redcliffe Novel).

Jack Mason and Emily Rose are just two of the vampires we meet in the Redcliffe novels. We are introduced to young millionaire Marcus Scott at the beginning of the series, in Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel). Marcus was turned into a vampire during the Victorian era. He was educated to be a gentleman by his master, and inherited the wealth of Lord Gregory Stockton. Marcus spent many years embracing his vampire nature, testing the limits of his power, and seducing humans along the way. He is fascinated by Jessica, and in the beginning he is not sure why. It all becomes clear when she awakens her magic. Marcus is a vampire who thrives on witch blood. He is addicted to it. He is controlled by it. Jessica is now learning how to handle him, because she actually likes him as a friend, even if she does not trust him as a vampire.

If you are interested in seeing other participants for the #AtoZChallenge, check them out on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. Happy April!

*Vampire bite image courtesy of Vampires Do