Showing posts with label #amreading #amwriting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #amreading #amwriting. Show all posts

Thursday 11 September 2014

Book Review: Reading Like a Writer by Francine Prose

Today I share my review of Reading Like a Writer by Francine Prose

A delightful read!

I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book. It was a birthday gift from a friend, and I did really enjoy reading it. At first I was unsure because I felt like the author was simply showing off her own academic knowledge of books, and I wondered about why she shared such lengthy extracts from other stories to fill her book. However, after the first chapter I really got into the stride, and I delighted in the language she used, how she demonstrated her sheer love of reading, and then she proceeded to explain that actually, all of these traditional writing rules are made to be broken, but sometimes they can be used to good effect. This book made me feel good about my own writing, because I can see my talent compared to the extracts I read. It also gave me some new authors and stories to explore, and there is an extensive reading list at the back which I will take great pleasure in ticking off (although it might take many years to succeed!) All in all I recommend this book to readers and writers alike, especially if you take pleasure in wordplay.

Friday 5 September 2014

Let's Get These Stories Written!

During the past four years I have been on an exciting journey as I became a wife, a mother, and a published author. It has taken me until now to realise exactly where my writing career is likely to advance. I hadn't really considered the possibilities of how to earn a regular income and how to make my business viable. I am still figuring that out. True to my creative nature, I try not to think about facts and figures unless I need them in a story. I much prefer the freedom to follow my heart and go where my spirit takes me.

But, needs must, and we live in a society that is reliant on monetary income. It is time I returned to the land of paid employment. At the moment I am still working out how to do that as a self-employed businesswoman. My business is writing. I just have to establish which forms of writing I want to focus on. I had tried a little freelancing, and I secured a few jobs writing blogs for obscure websites in countries I have never visited. The pay was low, and after almost a year I decided it wasn't really worth my time and effort.

I have four published novels, and three published short stories that are all widely available for sale both online and in bookstores. My problem is advertising them effectively when I have literally no budget and no means of marketing beyond what I can manage for myself. It is very hard to rely on word-of-mouth sales when my friends and family rarely talk about books. I am still trying to get the word out, but I am not what you would call a vocal person, and I find it quite difficult to confidently sell myself to strangers without feeling nervous and self conscious.

Anyway, aside from that, I need a regular income. My book sales barely cover the cost of a pad of paper at the moment, and the freelance article writing I had considered just doesn't sit right with me. Now I have decided to start entering story competitions. I have entered a few in the past; indeed that is how I got my very first short story published, in the teen anthology Devils, Demons and Werewolves. But then I trailed off. I entered a few more competitions without success, but then allowed myself to be distracted. Now I need to get back on it, so to speak. My stories must be written, and I will earn some money from them so I can promote my novels and support my family. Let's do it!

Friday 22 August 2014

A Summer of Books #amreading

Today I am basking in the joy of reading! I mean, I do that most days, but I admit during recent months even my reading capability seemed to deteriorate in the face of domestic challenges and dramas. Anyway, all that has changed now with the experience of one fantastic book. And I am so happy and feel more enriched for the pleasure of reading it.

The book in question is Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. I hadn't heard of it before this summer. It was assigned by my local book club to be our big summer read. And what a big book it is! The paperback that I borrowed from my library has 933 pages, and very long chapters. Personally I prefer short chapters because it makes the book easier to read around children, but I persevered, and am so glad I did. I was hooked right from the first chapter, but a full review will follow when I've had time to digest the story.

That is part of the joy I rediscovered. It isn't just about reading a good story. The book was substantial, well written, and very detailed. I savoured the choice of words, the education given by the author, and simply the feel of a good, solid book in my hands. My reading friends will understand! It is something that cannot be put into words, but I suppose a close analogy is that of the devoted football fan. Where a fan will follow his or her team all around the world to experience the joy and drama of a match, so a reader will give up everything in order to finish a very good book. It will stay with them. It will draw them in to a whole new world, and for days after finishing, the reader stumbles around in a state of almost-reality, still living the life of the protagonist and the world of the story.

I am in this place right now. I can't think straight, because I am thinking about the book. The characters are my people, my friends, and I feel a part of that world, even though it talks about a place that I have never physically visited. That is the result of a true story teller. And I hope that people who read my novels feel a similar connection, and follow a similar journey as they connect with my Redcliffe characters. Oh, and this week you can see me over on the blog of fellow author Diana Rubino. Check me out!

Monday 28 July 2014

The Role of the 21st Century Author

To be an author today is not enough to earn a living wage. It is almost impossible in fact. It is not totally unattainable, but to really earn enough money just from the books you sell, you have to spend time, be patient, and work hard in the background to get yourself seen, heard, and, more importantly, read by the people that matter. That is, your audience. Your fan base. The people who enjoy your stories, who want to know more about your characters, where they come from, what they do, how you met them. The readers want to know about you, the author. You are a brand.

It has taken me a few years to learn this. Back when I finally started to write my novel, got some short stories published, and decided that actually, I am quite good at this, I thought I was made. I could have my first novel published and I would be up there with all the greats, earning my millions and churning out more books for my adoring fans. It didn't quite happen like that. I'm still waiting for it. I am still seeking those adoring fans. I know they are out there (maybe you are one of them, please say hello, it would really make my day!)

The truth is that the role of the 21st century author is not just to write stories. That is only the beginning process of our job. Most of us publish our stories because they simply have to be told. My fellow writers will understand that nagging urge, that commanding voice as the characters take physical form and force themselves through your hand and onto the page. You have to write. It is as essential as eating. We feed the force within that requires nourishment, or we face the prospect of withering away to a mere empty shell of a human. Yes, being a writer is that important to me.

So we write. We publish. It is easier to do that these days, what with modern technology and eBooks and all the rest of it. But therein lies the problem. Our books are published, and they are subsequently submerged in a sea of other books, other stories, other authors. Some of these authors give all of their time to social networking in order to sell their books, and it works for them. Some prefer to pay others for the service of marketing and promotion. I would choose this option if I had the finances in place, and maybe I will in the future. For now I have to establish how to use what little spare time I have to the most effective outcome.

It is a tough learning curve. I am finally beginning to make sense of all those wonderful platforms available to us. I currently favour Twitter, Facebook and Google+, but I don't spend anywhere near enough time on them doing anything really productive in terms of book marketing. I am still learning. I am studying. If you are in the same situation, please share your experiences, advice, and anything else you can contribute to the conundrum of our generation. I look forward to hearing from you!

My novels are adult paranormal with equal amounts of dark romance and contemporary English Gothic. Sign up now for special offers and book release news.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

I Am the Master Procrastinator! #CampNaNoWriMo

We are 9 days into the Camp NaNoWriMo challenge for 2014, and I'm off to a slow start. It's not surprising really. As I write this, my youngest daughter is sitting on my knee trying to bash the computer keys. My eldest daughter is demanding that I play pirates, doctors, princesses and a whole host of other games. I sit at the computer, and instead of opening my WIP and getting on with the writing, I hop from one social network to another, messing about and telling myself that it is work.

I'm in a strange place at the moment. I need to sell more books. I need to get myself on some internationally recognized bestseller lists, and I need people to embrace the Redcliffe novels, and to understand that I am a bloody good writer! There is an opening in the UK market for some paranormal romance, since the popular television series Being Human finished months ago. I can't think of any British authors in recent decades that write the kind of stories I do, at least not in popular circles.

So how do I go about marketing myself properly? I have absolutely no budget. I am, essentially, a housewife. I dislike the title and all its associations, but that is a whole different issue I need to work through for me, and my emotional state. One thing is certain: my children are my priority right now. But in the same way, my books are like my children. Fellow authors will understand what I mean. I believe in my novels wholeheartedly. I would never have written them otherwise. So now I need to figure out how to show them to the wider world. How do I get people to actually buy my books? That is the ultimate million-dollar question...

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Fabulous Fun at #MidLitFest!

Last weekend we celebrated the very first Middlewich Literary Festival, #MidLitFest in Cheshire. It was a fantastic event, populated by local readers, writers, illustrators and book lovers.

I was a guest author, along with my new friends Gill Hoffs, Lucy Pireel and Bernice Walmsley. We showcased our work, discussed our experiences in the industry, and ate lots of cake!

There are now big plans being hatched for #MidLitFest 2015, so watch this space...

Friday 4 April 2014

The #AtoZChallenge is Underway

The #AtoZChallenge is underway and so far I am sharing my experiences as a breastfeeding mother, the unique nature of our children, and today I have more photographs of my adorable Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross dog...

If you would like to see more about my personal life, take a look at the #AtoZChallenge over on my sister blog, SpookyMrsGreen. Have a lovely weekend!

Friday 28 March 2014

I’m Doing the #AtoZChallenge 2014!

I have decided to go for it once again, and participate in the April #AtoZChallenge for 2014. If you are not familiar with this blog hop, it is a very simple, and very enjoyable, way to bring more traffic to your websites. It is also a great writing exercise, and gives you a real challenge with wordplay and subject matter. I participated in the blog hop in 2013 and found it great fun, and also very useful. This year I didn’t think I would be able to participate after several chaotic incidences on the domestic front, but today I feel energized with the promise of Spring, and I am going for it!

My topic of choice for 2014 will be Lifestyle. For me this will encompass all things family oriented, since this is my current focus of activity for many reasons. I may throw in a few posts about my work-life balance, my personal spiritual journey, and my experiences as a mother of two young children and one daft dog… The point is, I plan to use the #AtoZChallenge as a way to liven up my Wordpress blog and give it a boost of energy. The blog challenge will keep my brain ticking over, give me a focus for work when I need it, and of course, remind people about my fantastic adult paranormal romance novels!

 If you are in the #AtoZChallenge this year, give me a shout and I will check out your blog during April. Maybe we can compare notes… If you are new to the challenge and want to join in, there is still time… here is the link. See you later friends!

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Middlewich Literary Festival Launch Event #MidLitFest

I am pleased to announce that our official launch party for the Middlewich Literary Festival will take place this Thursday, 20th March, at 4:30pm in Middlewich Library. Come along and meet our resident authors, get some industry advice and insider information, and find out more about our fabulous writing and design competitions. See you there!

Thursday 6 March 2014

I Celebrate World Book Day Every Day! #ReadMe

I cannot allow today to pass by without celebrating the official World Book Day, even if it has been rather lacking in book-related activities for me. I suppose really I celebrate books and reading every day, so on a personal level it doesn’t actually matter.

Every day I take a few minutes to stand before my tall bookcase situated on the landing by my bedroom, and I stare lovingly at the piles and stacks of paperbacks, hardbacks, and special edition magazines carefully stashed away. Then I glance at the overflowing pile on my bedroom floor with the same fondness. Then I walk downstairs, sit on the sofa, and stare across at my small bookcase proudly displaying my collection of Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter books by Laurell K Hamilton… OK I do have a lot of books! But I need more, dammit!

Happy World Book Day everybody!

Thursday 23 January 2014

A Playground for the Imagination #amwriting

There is inspiration for stories everywhere. I know this is an oft-repeated phrase and many struggling writers are probably fed up of hearing it. But I think it really is the truth. Every day I am bombarded with snippets of inspiration, little sentences and scenarios that could be transcribed into detailed stories. It could be anything from watching my children interacting and wondering what goes through their minds, to taking a walk and seeing the world around me.

 One day I took my children to a local playground when I collected my eldest daughter from pre-school. The day was very average, with nondescript weather and no special occasions or events. We visited the playground and my daughter spent some time running around and enjoying the swings, slide and climbing frame. I stood watching and felt compelled to take these photos.

Looking at the empty rocking animals and the swings blowing gently in a faint breeze, I was struck by how atmospheric the playground had suddenly become. Was it simply my overactive imagination and the fact that I am a writer constantly seeking inspiration? Or was it a genuine mood in the area? I don't know, but I found my mind coming alive with possibilities for ghost stories, horror stories, and all sorts of macabre creations centred around this innocent children's playground.

Do you see the possibilities too?

Monday 20 January 2014

The Female of the Species is Deadly

It occurs to me that I haven't shared any excerpts from my novels for a while, so in the spirit of the new year and my current feisty mood, here is a seductive snippet from my latest novel The Darkness of Love...

         Gregory nodded, keeping his cool silver gaze fixed on her black eyes.  He tried so hard to ignore his Mistress’ advances, but he could never refuse her.  He belonged to her, and he was not strong enough to break free.
“Yes,” he said, “I am sure he will be compliant, for he is a man with vigorous appetites, or so I hear from the villagers.  He has a reputation among the workers’ daughters.”
Amelia smiled and nodded, her eyes glowing with excitement.  She licked her lips, and her eyes showed a glimmer of fire, deep in the pupils.  She was a contradiction of everything the vampires knew about themselves.  She burned with both fire and ice, and no-one could escape her trap when she set it. 
“I will not disappoint my oldest friend.” she said simply.

Friday 22 November 2013

Explorations in Social Media #bizitalk

I am currently experimenting with social media networks as a method to sell books and build my author platform. Truthfully I wish I had spent more time researching how the industry works before I went ahead and got my books published. The common knowledge is that anyone can publish a book these days, but only a select few (or rather a lucky few) gain the fame and fortune that we all seek. Yes, I know, there are lots of authors who say they only write for the pleasure and joy of creativity. This is true for me, but I also want to earn a living from my writing, and after a very long moral battle, I accept that there is no shame in this desire.

Now, I am a working mother who spends 90% of my time being the 'housewife and mother' and the remainder is spent trying to write more books and promote the ones I currently have in the marketplace. I have no money to put into an advertising campaign, but I do now have the support of a publisher as a result of my fourth novel The Darkness of Love. This is very exciting, because Chances Press have organized a Christmas blog tour for me, and they are planning another one in 2014. It makes me feel very special as an author, actually, that someone else is prepared to put in the work for me without demanding immediate repayment. They have great faith in my work, and they clearly appreciate my writing. This is a huge compliment.

Part of my networking experiment has been to explore the use of hashtags, mainly on Twitter, but also on Google+, Facebook and Pinterest. These are all my main platforms of choice, and I am spending some time on each in turn trying to speak directly with a variety of people, and reading articles and infographics that might explain how best to use these fabulous resources. Therein lies part of the problem. These networks are so vast, so complicated, and so busy, that I need to spend every spare minute of my time working on them with no guarantee that I will actually sell my books as a result of my efforts. The other issue is that they can become addictive, and I need to allocate time for writing and freelance projects alongside my self marketing.

Anyway, it is a long, slow process. I know that with social media we have become a 24/7 culture. We expect results immediately because we can send out tweets, messages, photos and web links at the touch of a button, and we all have portable media devices in the form of smart phones, tablets etc. Even if we do not have such sophisticated personal technology, we can usually find a library with free computers, or find a friend or relative with the media technology on which to work. I now have to accept that I need to become a recognised name in publishing. People need to know who I am and what the titles of my books are, and maybe then they will begin to read them, possibly review them, and better still recommend them to friends and family. Ultimately it seems word of mouth is still the best marketing tool for an author. I am just taking it global with social media... See you out there!

My novels are adult paranormal with equal amounts of dark romance and contemporary English Gothic. Sign up now for special offers and book release news.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

#NaNoWriMo – The Vampire of Blackpool - #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. In honour of National Novel Writing Month 2013, this week I share an excerpt from my ‘winning’ manuscript of NaNoWriMo 2012. Here is a snippet from The Vampire of Blackpool:

Samantha stared at me, her confidence growing.
“You didn’t answer my other question,” she said, “Why did you attack this man?”
I inclined my head.
“I already told you,” I said, “He provoked me.”
Samantha glared at me and stretched her head to one side so that I could just see the edge of a bandage covering her neck.
“Like I provoked you last night you mean?” she asked sarcastically, “I suppose I should be grateful you didn’t put me in the hospital.  I should have listened to Paul in the first place.”
I began to feel angry again.  It made me defensive.
“I did not mean to feed on you quite so violently,” I said, forcing myself to remain still, “And for that I apologize.”
She caught herself and stared at me curiously.
“You are apologizing?” she asked, “Wow.”
I stood up slowly, and she stiffened, holding up her hands.  Her power flared, and I realised she was preparing for an attack.
“I will not hurt you here,” I said, “I am fully fed and in control of my instincts.”
“Shit,” she said softly, “It was you who attacked the doctor downstairs.”
I nodded once, smiling again.
“Yes,” I replied, “He gave me what I needed to heal.”
Samantha frowned.
“What about this guy?” she asked, waving her hand at Ryan James, “What are you waiting for?”
My expression hardened.
“He is a vampire hunter,” I said quietly, “I require answers.  We battled last night after I left you.  He was hunting along the promenade, near the Pleasure Beach.  He found what he was looking for, but he was not prepared for a fight with such an old and powerful vampire.”

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping!

*Vampire image courtesy of Deviant Art

Saturday 9 November 2013

A Very Happy Book Launch

Last weekend saw the official launch of my fourth novel, The Darkness of Love. I didn’t have a big party, mainly because I never found time to organize it. Actually I am quite a novice in the world of book marketing, and I have no budget to cover the costs of professional PR. Everything I do is based on my own observations and what I have learned through experience and from my peers on social networks. I also glean lots of advice and information from my monthly Writing Magazine.

Anyway, the event took place in my local café, Drinks and Bites at 35. I am very grateful to the owners, Holly and Gemma, for very kindly offering me some space and time in order to promote my books. We all share the same vision for getting  out in the community together, but my priority at the moment has to be providing for my family and doing what I can to supplement my husband’s income. Ah, the joys of money!

I was very pleased to see some old friends who managed to come and visit, and I appreciate the support of everyone that came to see me. I know some people were unable to attend but I received lots of supportive messages, and it all helps. Being a writer can be a very lonely existence, even when I am surrounded by demanding children. Sometimes I just need someone to recognise me for my talent, not for my genetic legacy. I know there are lots of mothers out there who are nodding in agreement right now.

Well, the event was a success. I sold some books, I talked to some people, I gave out leaflets advertising my websites and my work. Now it is the waiting game as I watch my readership  grow, which in turn leads to more royalties. It is not all about the money of course. I love writing. I love sharing my books with the world. I am very proud of my achievements regardless of whether I receive international acclaim for my efforts. But ultimately we live in a world that is ruled by the need for money. If I have more money, I can spend it on the small business’ around me, and that will keep the economy moving. We have to see the bigger picture, and we must support each other where we can.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

#NaNoWriMo – Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel) - #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. In honour of National Novel Writing Month 2013, today I share an excerpt from my ‘winning’ manuscript of NaNoWriMo 2011. Here is a snippet from Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel):

“Jessica, please, I want to help you,” Jack said from the stairwell where he stood in shadow, “You are not weak.  Please talk to me.”
Carrying my glass over to the table, I gulped the cold water and put my glass down, then turned to him.  He was naked, and his body seemed to glow in the darkness, tormenting and tempting me at the same time.  This was not a man.  This was a vampire.  I am in love with a vampire.  Because of him I was almost killed, and now I am scarred for life, both physically and mentally.  Because of him my life will never be the same again, and yet still I can’t leave him.  And now, to top it off, I am having erotic dreams about his identical twin brother, a man who has made it clear he wants to sleep with me.  What kind of a soap opera is my life right now?
“Jack, it’s late, or early, whatever, and I need to sleep,” I said moodily, “And I can’t sleep, because I keep having these stupid, ridiculous dreams.”
“What dreams?” Jack asked gently.
I swallowed, thinking about my words.  I felt anger now, and frustration, but at least the tears were gone.  I took a deep breath.  If I didn’t tell him he wouldn’t leave me alone.
“I keep dreaming about Danny,” I said, heart pounding.

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping!

Monday 7 October 2013

Why do I Write?

I am currently experiencing a lot of changes in my life, and yet outwardly everything appears very normal and unspectacular. My big change is that of becoming a parent and subsequently a 'responsible' adult. Several years ago my then fiance (now husband) and I bought our first house together. We got a dog. We acquired several baby turtles (and now have 2 surviving). Then we got pregnant. Well, I did. The husband did his bit, but we won't go into detail...

Anyway, I now have one daughter aged 2 years and 10 months, and one newborn daughter aged 9 weeks. I tried to keep up with my writing schedule all through my second pregnancy, although since the birth of my first daughter I haven't really kept a writing schedule. It is more a case of write what I can when I find time and energy. It didn't help when my Muse packed up and left town. She just disappeared about six months into my pregnancy. I was devastated!

I now have an abandoned manuscript that will be reassessed at some point in the future. I recently released my fourth novel, The Darkness of Love, which I wrote while my first daughter was a young baby. I plan to participate in NaNoWriMo 2013 as a method to reinvigorate my novel writing enthusiasm. So far my Muse has begun to make small noises and offer tantalizing snippets of dialogue, the occasional new idea, and some very vague plot fillers for book 4 in my Redcliffe series. I am hoping that my children will miraculously settle down during November and allow me to indulge my passion.

Which brings me to my point. Why do I write? Why do any of us write? The simple answer is because we have to. The urge is so strong, our characters are so forceful, and the stories simply have to be written or we would go insane. Recently I have lost some of that insanity, although I gained a whole new version as a mother and wife. I now eagerly await the return of my 'writer eccentricity' so that I can reconnect with myself in the best way possible. We all have our vices. Mine are reading, writing and chocolate.

Sunday 22 September 2013

Supernatural Story from Shaman Mum #ReadMe

This was the headline in my local weekly newspaper, the Middlewich Guardian, when they ran a story for my new novel The Darkness of Love this week. I just wanted to share my latest media exposure, since I am rather proud of my achievements and am in need of an ego boost while I am running the hamster wheel of young motherhood... Thanks for stopping by!

Read the article here

Friday 6 September 2013

#amwriting New Book Coming Soon! #ReadMe

I finally have an official release date for my next novel, how exciting! My Victorian vampire story The Darkness of Love is scheduled for release on 15th October, the perfect time for a Halloween themed book tour. It was originally planned for release in September, but since I gave birth on 1st August we can be forgiven for the very slight delay. I am now eagerly awaiting the 'birth' of my literary child...

In terms of writer news, my focus will now be on promoting and marketing the new book, as well as continuing to promote my Redcliffe novels series. I will be contacting people to arrange blog tours, competitions, reviews etc in the coming weeks and months as we work on catching the Halloween and Christmas shoppers. It will be interesting to see what promotional activity I receive from my new publisher, since I am currently doing everything by myself after my experiment in partnership publishing. Watch this space and I will report back on the service.

We also have the fabulous and fraught adventure that is NaNoWriMo 2013 coming up, and the time is ticking away a little too quickly for my liking. I cannot believe that summer is almost over already! I plan to complete NaNoWriMo again this year, since it is something of a personal goal and a great way to motivate me to write a new book. I am still working on the manuscript for my vampire hunter novel, but that will continue to tick along slowly until I get my mojo back for it. I have decided that for NaNoWriMo I will begin writing the fourth Redcliffe novel, which will be both exciting and surprising, since I don't really know what will happen next.

Busy times as always my friends! Happy writing, happy reading, and welcome to Autumn (or Fall if you prefer).