Monday 13 November 2017

Winter Wonderland Holiday Blog Share

Hello, my friends, and welcome to the official start of the festive season! I know it might seem a bit early, but I wanted to give you plenty of notice about a very special competition and giveaway event.

From 11th – 18th December you can visit a selection of fabulous authors, download their FREE books for you, and enter a competition to win a $60 Amazon gift card. You can use this if you are in the UK, so please take a look and see what surprises lie in store.

Blog schedule

​​December 12, 2017 - ​ Catherine Green Author
​December 13, 2017 - Stanalei Fletcher Blog
FREE BOOK: Tell It Like It Is
December 14, 2017 - Doree Anderson
December 15, 2017 - ​Kathryn E. Jones
December 16, 2017 - Karl Beckstrand
FREE BOOK: Anna's Prayer and Muffy & Valor
December 17, 2017 - I Must Be Dreaming Blog
​December 18, 2017 - Mary's Garden Blog

How to Enter the Competition

It's easy to enter for the $60 Amazon Gift Card. Here is what you need to do....
1. Visit each blog to read their seasonal daily post
2. Leave a comment
3. Enter rafflecopter!

Each author will include instructions for their freebies.
Rafflecopter will be available from December 11 to December 18th 2017.

Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Thursday 9 November 2017

The Carrero Effect by LT Marshall #ASMSG #erotic #romance

Today I welcome LT Marshall to my blog, sharing her novel The Carrero Effect


Emma Anderson has everything in her life worked out. She has her perfect job in a Manhattan empire allowing her to live a quiet and organised safe existence. A necessity to her, after a childhood filled with bad memories, abuse, and a mother who was less than useless. But, with it comes a problem, one that could derail everything she thought she needed in her life. Her promotion sends her straight into the close employment of young, gorgeous, playboy billionaire, Jacob Carrero with his formidable reputation for being a player. Stuck as his right-hand man, every waking moment of every single day, she realises he is exactly the type of person who could drive her crazy, and not in a good way.

Like chalk and cheese, he is everything she's not. Compulsive, confident, laid back, dominant and fun, with a seriously laid back attitude to casual sex and dating. Jake is the only one with an ability to steamroll over her manicured ice maiden exterior, who is not phased by the closed in demeanour and cool manners, but as much as she wants to, letting him in is another thing entirely. A past that made her man wary and no desire to ever let one close enough to hurt her again, Jacob Carrero has his work cut out. He is not someone who takes NO for an answer and will have to learn how to break through if he wants more than the mask she shows the world. Jake needs to show her that even someone like him can change when that one girl that matters breaks through.

 Loveable sexy characters and deep emotional topics. Contains some mature, adult content and language.

If you want to listen to the playlist to accompany this book it's here


Page link 

Monday 6 November 2017

Vampire of Blackpool Paperback Edition #NaNoWriMo #ASMSG

Have you read Vampire of Blackpool yet? If you are not familiar with my favourite Victorian seaside resort in the North of England, this book might open your eyes a little bit… and now I am proud to announce that the paperback edition is ready to order! It took me a while since this project has been very much a “learn as you go” adventure. I am happy enough with the outcome, and I have learned my lessons for future self-publishing plans.

For #NaNoWriMo this year I am writing a sequel to Vampire of Blackpool. It wasn’t my intention when I wrote the book, but several readers have informed me that they are waiting to see what happens next. I cannot disappoint them, now, can I? Admittedly I am off to a slow start because my mind is currently elsewhere, but I aim to knuckle down, get writing, and catch up as soon as I can. The sequel will be written! For now, you may enjoy Vampire of Blackpool in paperback or eBook editions.

Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Monday 30 October 2017

Happy Halloween! Are You Ready for #NaNoWriMo?

Boo! Scared you!

Ha ha, yes we are celebrating my favourite time of year, Halloween, or Samhain as I prefer to call the festival. See my pagan housewife blog for more about that.

Today I am hosting a Halloween party for my daughters and their friends, so we have decorated the house, stocked up on treats, planned the games and got our fancy dress ready. At the weekend we attended a big family party in our town and it was lots of fun as always.


Halloween heralds the arrival of another annual event that has become a staple in my life: #NaNoWriMo. Are you participating this year? Shall we be writing buddies? Look me up if you like, my NaNo name is SpookyMrsGreen. I haven’t really planned for the event this year since I’ve been busy with domestic challenges. I was going to use this NaNoWriMo as the opportunity to write book 6 in my Redcliffe Novels series, but I got a bit overexcited and already started writing that at the beginning of October. Instead I have decided to start a brand new novel, the sequel to Vampire of Blackpool. I have no idea where it is going or what will happen. I am a true pantser. Here’s to #NaNoWriMo 2017!

Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Friday 27 October 2017

Guest Author @byStevenRamirez Come As You Are #horror #Halloween

I want to thank Catherine for allowing me to take up space on her blog. Before I talk about my new book, Come As You Are, though, I’d like you to indulge me. I did some research and found that Halloween is celebrated differently in the US compared to the UK. And, I think, this difference can be summed up in these pics.
Photo courtesy of Twitter: @mugicha814 Photo courtesy of Facebook: Humansofthesesh
Now, to be perfectly honest, I prefer the UK’s treatment. Because, for me, there’s nothing scarier than Teletubbies. But enough about that. Over the last few years, I’ve been gratified to learn that UK readers are steadily being drawn to my horror thriller series, Tell Me When I’m Dead. And, country of origin aside, horror is horror, right? So, in that spirit, I am offering the Kindle version of my new horror collection, Come As You Are FOR FREE October 27th through the 31st. I hope you’ll take advantage. The title work is a novella about a bullied middle school kid looking to take revenge. Only, the method he’s chosen puts himself and everyone around him in horrible danger. The collection also includes nine short stories. Get your free copy now—and Happy Halloween!

[Come As You Are Cover]

Synopsis Some things are better left alone. Ivan Stein isn’t sure he can survive seventh grade, let alone middle school. Living in a town known for its poverty and violence, he is regularly bullied along with his best friend, Ollie. But fortunes can change. One day, Ivan finds an old notebook in an abandoned locker at school. Despite a stark warning, he takes the book and unleashes powerful magic he can use to punish his enemies. But demonic forces control the book’s pages—a terrifying evil that will inflict suffering on the good as well as the bad and take his soul as payment.

Come As You Are is supernatural horror re-imagined as Young Adult fiction. But don’t be fooled. Its violence will disturb you and its depiction of people living in a gloomy, desolate town without hope will make you cry. Pray that Ivan and his family can survive this dark, perilous journey.

 Also in this collection: “Nailed It” “Brown the Recluse” “I’ve Been Better” “A Bone in the Throat” “Regino Sings” “A Proper Revenge Takes Time” “Something to Hold” “The Widow and Her Magician” “Walker”

Author Bio 

Steven Ramirez is the author of the horror thriller series Tell Me When I’m Dead. He has also published short stories as well as a children’s book, and he wrote the screenplay for the horror thriller film ‘Killers.’ To hear about new releases, visit Steven lives in Los Angeles with his wife and daughters.

Thursday 26 October 2017

Book Review: Taming the Vampire (Blood and Absinthe) by Chloe Hart

This is my kind of vampire story! Fast paced, full of sex, passion and just the right amount of magic. It was a quick read, and had been lurking on my Kindle waiting for me to discover it… so glad I gave it a chance! I am now reading the entire Blood and Absinthe series, and loving every moment of it. These books offer a quick fix for vampire fans who like the darker side of the genre, and they are relatable in real terms at the same time.  

Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Monday 23 October 2017

Inspired by a Family Day Trip

Writers find inspiration in the strangest of places, and for me it happens all the time. I recently took my husband and children to our local Legoland Discovery Centre to participate in the Lego brick building challenge. That was for my SpookyMrsGreen blog. We had lots of fun that day, and I took the opportunity to watch our fellow Lego enthusiasts as they enjoyed the discovery centre.

 At one point I sat at a table sipping my coffee, and my husband was distracted by his phone. Our children had run away to play in one of the Lego play areas, so I looked all around at the building. It is basically a big warehouse filled with Lego themed equipment and rides. I watched the staff members hurrying to and fro, speaking into their walkie talkies, giving out orders, dashing from one job to the next, and I wondered what they do when the discovery centre closes for the day. What are their homes like? Do they have partners, children, families waiting for them? Are they completely human? How could I incorporate this domestic setting into my vampire and werewolf stories? Watch this space…

Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!)